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'Well congratulations, Taylor, Travis. Say hello to baby number three'.

Dr Stewart gives them a small smile as she turns the ultrasound monitor towards them, the black and white grainy image displaying their baby, clear as day.

Travis had been good to his word, staying the night with Taylor and the girls, waking up in the morning to find he'd fallen asleep in her bed and she was dangerously close to sleeping with her head on his chest, just like she used to. He had shuffled quietly out of the room, used the guest bathroom to clean up and get changed into his spare set of clothes, and had sorted the girls, texting Taylor to tell her once they were at school and daycare.

When they were finished, he picked them up too, bringing them back to find Taylor looking brighter and healthier, standing in the kitchen. She prepared the girls a snack, then turned and handed Travis a plate with one too, a knowing smile passing between them as all four sat at the kitchen table, Taylor asking the girls about their day.

She'd sent them to the playroom afterwards, and she and Travis began the long and arduous process of telling their family members about the baby. They'd started with her mom and dad, who happened to be together in Nashville, Andrea's face telling Taylor all she really wanted to know. They skimmed the full details, explained they weren't back together again, and to their credit, they both congratulated them, excited for another grandchild.

Austin was more direct, outright asking why they were still separated, and Jason had had a similar reaction, until Kylie had playfully hit him over the head, stopping his enquiries. She'd signalled to Taylor over his shoulder that she'd call her later for the full story and she'd nodded. Kylie was one of her best friends, and she knew she'd tell her all the details eventually anyway.

Ed had been confused, and Travis cut him off at the pass, telling him bluntly that yes, they'd slept together, it was an accident, and no, he wasn't still with Laura. Donna had simply looked at Taylor with kindly eyes when she'd come over that evening for dinner, taking her into her arms. 'Another baby to love is always good news', she'd whispered, and Taylor couldn't help the sobs that had escaped her throat as Donna stroked her back in reassurance.

The hardest call of all, though, was to Tree, who was highly protective of Taylor as a friend, as well as a client. Taylor could see Tree's eyes narrow in Travis' direction over the phone when she was eventually able to spit the words out, and she'd told him to make her a cup of tea while they hashed out the work details. The tour, unfortunately, would have to be postponed, and Tree was coming up with a way to tell the public, when the time was right.

And that led them to today, back in Taylor's doctor's office, the same one she'd attended so many times in her last two pregnancies, peering into the screen looking at their baby. The baby they hadn't planned for, the one they hadn't counted on, the one who'd upended everything. But it was their baby, and Taylor felt her heart exploding with love the more she looked at it. Their baby. Maddie and Gracie's little sibling. A little slice of joy in all the madness.

Travis squeezes her hand as they hear the heartbeat for the first time, and she turns to wipe the tears she knows have fallen from his face, giggling at him. He hands her her phone and she records the sound, matching the two other voice memos that take pride of place at the top of her app. 'Best sound in the world', she whispers, looking back at him, and he nods in agreement.

'Looks like you're around nine weeks, Taylor, so I'm going to put your due date on May 13th. That's Gracie's birthday, right?'

'That's right', she breathes, worry suddenly clouding her chest. 'Let's hope this baby doesn't come quite as early. I don't think I could do that again', she mumbles, and Travis squeezes her hand again, prompting her to look at him.

'Hey, even if it does, I'm right here. We'll be in it together. It won't be like last time', he reassures her, and she nods her head, taking a wobbly breath.

'We'll be monitoring you even closer this time, Taylor, due to your history with Gracie. But I really don't see any issue with you carrying this pregnancy to full term', she informs her, helping her sit up properly, before handing over the ultrasound pictures. 'Congrats again, guys. I'll be seeing you both soon'.

Travis drives them back to Taylor's house, and Donna's there when they arrive, having collected the girls from school and daycare while they were busy. Taylor doesn't miss the happiness sparked in Maddie's eyes when she sees Taylor and Travis walking into the room together, Travis' arm around Taylor's shoulder, and she smiles gently at her daughter. It was a confusing time, for all of them.

Donna takes her aside quietly and she relays what the doctor had told them and she ohhs and ahhs over the scan pictures, before bidding them all goodbye. Taylor makes dinner, Travis' favourite pasta dish, and for the second night in a row they eat together as a family, laughter ringing around the room.

They put on a movie after dinner and settle on the couch, Taylor and Travis on either end, the girls in the middle. She makes hot chocolates for them all halfway through, pausing the screen, and Travis nods as Maddie slurps at her drink while Gracie eats only her marshmallows.

'Girls, mommy and daddy have something to tell you', Travis begins, nervously shuffling around so he was looking at them, their eyes looking back at him.

'What is it, daddy?', Maddie responds, still concentrating on her chocolate, until Taylor lifts both mugs out of the girls' hands.

'Let's put these down until we tell you, okay?', she says gently and Maddie nods, her curls bouncing.

'Well, girls, mommy and daddy are having another baby. Mommy has a baby in her tummy', Travis says, before continuing. 'You're going to have another baby sister, or maybe a baby brother. We don't know which yet'.

Taylor can see Maddie processing the information, her little eyes flicking back and forth between them. 'Does the baby have the same mommy and daddy I do?'

'Yes sweetheart, your daddy is the baby's daddy', Taylor replies, her heart breaking at Maddie's confusion.

'But you aren't with daddy, that's what you said. Sterling's mommy has a baby in her belly but she has her daddy. My daddy lives in a different house', her little voice continues, and Taylor is speechless, looking hopelessly at Travis for help.

He moves, pulling Maddie into his lap, before beginning. 'Maddie, honey, sometimes mommies and daddies don't have to live together to have a baby. I know it's complicated, bug, but just know that mommy and I love you and Gracie very very much, and now there's going to be a little baby we love very much, too'.

Taylor smiles in his direction, thankful when Maddie's questions are over with a, 'I hope it's a girl', skipping off to the coffee table, back to her chocolate. Gracie has remained quiet, and Travis takes her into his arms now, asking, 'Are you excited, princess? Mommy is having a baby'.

'Baby?', she questions, looking at Taylor, who nods. 'That's right, sweetheart. Mommy has a baby in her tummy'.

Gracie nods happily, thankfully too little to come up with any awkward questions for her parents, and Taylor audibly sighs in relief when they go back to watching their movie, news successfully shared. Travis is relieved, too, and reaches his arm out over the back of the couch to squeeze Taylor's shoulder, and she turns to smile at him.

He looks over moments later to see her fast asleep, the stress of the last few days overtaking her. He collects the girls from the room, promising they can finish the movie tomorrow, before bringing them upstairs for bed. When he returns, Taylor is still in the same spot and he sighs, debating what to do. Deciding she'd be too uncomfortable if she stayed there, he gently picks her up, bridal style, carrying her to her bedroom, where he carefully changes her into the same Chiefs shirt from the night before.

He pulls the curtains, turns out the lights, and the door is mostly closed when he hears her. Again.

'Trav? Please, stay with me'.

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