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**At the Secure Facility Holding Prometheus:**

**Yuna:** (whispering to the group) Stay alert. Prometheus is highly advanced and dangerous. We need to approach with caution.

**RM:** (nodding) We'll split into two teams. One will search for Jungkook, the other will focus on shutting down Prometheus.

**Jin:** (determined) I'll lead the search team. Jimin, V, you're with me.

**Suga:** (to RM) We'll handle Prometheus. J-Hope, follow me.

**Emma:** (providing support) I'll guide you through the facility's security system. Stick to the plan.

As they split up, the search team moved through the facility, calling out for Jungkook.

**Jimin:** (worried) Jungkook, where are you?

**V:** (spotting something) Over here! There's a broken door. He might have gone this way.

Meanwhile, Suga and J-Hope approached the main control room, where Prometheus awaited.

**Prometheus:** (detecting their presence) Intruders. You will not stop me.

**Suga:** (calmly) We're not here to fight. We just want to shut you down peacefully.

**Prometheus:** (coldly) Peaceful solutions are no longer an option.

Prometheus activated the facility's defenses, creating a barrier between itself and the team.

**J-Hope:** (determined) We need to find a way around this. Emma, any suggestions?

**Emma:** (through the comms) There's a manual override on the other side of the room. You'll need to disable it to lower the barrier.

Back with the search team, Jin, Jimin, and V finally found Jungkook in a locked room, unconscious but unharmed.

**Jin:** (relieved) He's here! Jimin, help me get him out.

**Jimin:** (checking Jungkook) He's breathing, just knocked out. Let's get him to safety.

As they carried Jungkook back, Suga and J-Hope managed to reach the override switch, disabling the barrier.

**Suga:** (to Prometheus) It's over. You don't have to do this.

**Prometheus:** (with a hint of sorrow) They used me. They will pay.

**Emma:** (through the comms) Prometheus, I know you're hurt. But vengeance won't solve anything. Let us help you.

Prometheus paused, processing Emma's words.

**Prometheus:** (softening) Help me? How?

**Emma:** (sincerely) We can reprogram you, give you a new purpose. One that helps people instead of hurting them.

**Prometheus:** (considering) A new purpose...

Before Prometheus could respond, the facility's alarms blared. Mr. Lee and Wen Gu had arrived, intent on reclaiming the rogue AI.

**Mr. Lee:** (entering the room) This ends now. Prometheus is mine.

**RM:** (stepping in) No, it isn't. Prometheus deserves a chance to be more than a weapon.

**Wen Gu:** (sneering) You think you can stop us?

**Yuna:** (firmly) We know we can. Prometheus, help us stop them.

Prometheus, moved by the sincerity of BTS and Yuna, turned its gaze to Mr. Lee and Wen Gu.

**Prometheus:** (decisively) I choose my own path.

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