joochan's redemption arc

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HELLO so this is inspired by their replay era weekly idol episode, the scene where tag yells at joochan abt his comment on his radio show abt being able to sleep 15 more mins LMAO. actually, i felt like i would feel rlly sad if someone i stayed up for said that to me, so to have some closure, i wrote this??? it's also the first post so i'm posting smth light, happy reading <3



youngtaek looks up from his phone, making eye contact with joochan. "yeah, what's up?"

"about the radio show comment-thingy that i made, i'm sorry. i actually really appreciate you waking me up early so that i wouldn't get scolded by the staff again. i should've thanked you sooner. forgive me?"

youngtaek chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief.

"i knew you were joking, joochan-ah. thanks for the apology, though. i forgive you." he shoots a smile at the younger.

"ah, thanks hyung! i'll treat you to dinner to show how grateful i am!" joochan scrambles to his room, seemingly in search for his...?

"okay, just don't say things like that ever again!" youngtaek yells after his member.

turning back to his phone screen, youngtaek pays no mind to the game he was playing as his thoughts wander.

of course, he was only slightly joking about what joochan did on the weekly idol segment, but he's glad that joochan saw how hurt he really was inside. ultimately, youngtaek never was the type to hold grudges, simply forgetting all about it on the car ride home. he didn't expect joochan to actually approach him about it again. he should've known that the younger would beat himself up over it.

youngtaek sighs. he has such a soft spot for joochan. even after all the dumb things he has done, youngtaek wouldn't trade their second maknae for the world.


i js wanna say that by posting these, it's merely to clear out my prompt collection and maybe inspire other golcha fic writers to write new golcha content. therefore, if anyone feels inspired to write based on any of my ideas/prompts/scenes here, please lmk and credit me! i would love to read all your works :) - fiz

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