Troll: How to deal with a sick sibling pt1

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The recently reacquainted members of Brozone: Branch, John Dory or J.D for short , Floyd, Spruce and Clay stroll down the path of Troll village, walking past squealing fangirls along the way. While walking, something catches the band's eye; a sick trolling with a stuffy nose. "Flu season must be coming around" Clay speculates to his brothers.Spruce looks at Clay "Well it's a good thing that none of us have...." "ACHOoOO!!!"

A loud sneeze scares the living daylights out of the band. The sneeze was so loud that it could have made anyone living on the moon pee their pants. Still in shock from the sudden sneeze, the brothers look at each other to see who sneezed and who's gonna tell Spruce that he spoke too soon. A sniffle is then heard and the group look to see their baby brother, Branch or Bitty B, wiping snot from his nose with his arm.

They immediately put together that it was Branch who sneezed. "Um, bless you?" Clay says out of thin air. Branch moans in response. He moves away slightly from the group. "Branch" J.D stops Branch from walking "What?" Branch turns around, speaking in a nasal voice like his throat is all clogged up with snot. His eyes were red and his nose looked all bunged up. J.D walked up to his little brother and felt his forehead with his hand. His temperature was scorching hot like a pool of hot lava "Gosh, Branch You're burning up. Are you feeling sick?" J.D asks concerned "sigh I'am a bit..."

Branch's response worries Floyd, one of the other brothers and immediately thought that Branch was going to die. " Oh, no,no,no!!!! It can't be now! We only just got back together again!!" Floyd breaks down in tears and leans on Spruce's shoulder. The others watch in bemusement. There's a reason why they call him "the sensitive one" " Floyd, I'm not dying. I just have the flu" Floyd immediately stops crying and dries his eyes " Sorry about that" Floyd apologies for his behaviour " Anyway, guys there's nothing to worry about. Just a little medicine and rest and I'll be right as rain" The band did not take Branch's statement lightly "No, Branch, we can take care of you. We'll nurse you back to health" Branch grinds his teeth in disgust at the idea of his brothers taking care of him.

" No,no,no,no. I'm a big boy now. I can take of myself! I... Aah aah ACHOO!!!!" Branch sneezes once again but this time he sneezes all over Spruce's face. He reacts by running over to a nearby rock to vomit out Branch's germs. " Here. Blow your nose" Floyd hands Branch a tissue to blow his nose with. He blows into the tissue so hard that it sounds like a herd of elephants. " Don't you see? You can't even keep your germs to yourself. You need us, Branch." Branch scoffs at Clay's reasoning as he rolls the tissue up his sleeve. "I told you. I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for the last 20 years"

At this point, the brothers were getting desperate in helping their little brother, thinking this will make for the 20 years that they missed with him. "Please, Branch. We'll go easy on you. I swear on our grandma that we won't go overboard" J.D promises and pleads while on his knees. Branch backs up a little and admitting defeat, he gives into his brother's pleas, seeing that they really want to help him. "*sigh* Fine. You can help me. But can we please start back at my bunker?" Branch requests from his brothers. "Sure, Here, let me carry you" Spruce comes up from behind and lifts Branch off his feet and carries him bridal style.

"Hey! What are you doing? The bunker's just five minutes away" Branch begs to be put down but Spruce ignored his protests instead finding them amusing "Branch, in my book, sick people shouldn't be walking at all" Spruce reasonably says, due to the fact that he's looked after sick children all his life, which in turn made Branch even more angrier. He tries to wrestle out of his brother's grasp but he still won't let go. This continued until the group reached the elevator leading down to Branch's bunker  while descending to the bottom floor, Branch tries again to wrestle out of Spruce's arms.

"Put me down this instant! I'm a grown man! I can walk to my bunker" Branch complains but J.D thinks otherwise. "Says the man who still sucks his thumb at night" Branch turns bright red at J.D's accusation and finally frees himself from Spruce's grasp "I do not suck my thumb" Branch denies " I gave up that habit when I grew out of my diapers" J.D isn't finished with insulting his brother " Yeah, that's not what I thought when we went camping last week." J.D comes up and mockingly pinches Branch's cheek while cooing "You were so cute, you were just like a wittle baby again" Branch moves away "Ugh! Stop babying me!" Branch demands embarrassed " All right, all right. Come on, Baby needs his nap" Spruce leads Branch to his room, crossing his arms and grumbling in response. He knew that his brothers will go overboard.

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