Chapter 4 Mikhaiah

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Aiah pov WARNING!:HAS AN 18+ SCENE!!
na lasing ako sobra at ewan ko na lost control ako nun ig,but di ko ba alam ginagawa ko nun but i found my self na papunta sa direction ni mikha i dont know but i felt my body getting hot while i approach mikha,when im infront of mikha i lost balance and fell on her but thankfully she catches me but she realized i fell asleep and that i was drunk

Mikha's POV
aiah was  approaching me i dont know why but qhen she was close she fell,luckily i caught her,she smelled like an expensive alcohol i think shes drunk and... asleep???
all i could do was sigh but thankfully there was dorms so you can spend the night it cause $50 per person,it is expensive but im rich so no problem,i bought $50 cause she's only staying here and ill just leave a note when i open the door i carry her inside and then close the door,i carry her to bed and put her to bed and then i back away,i hesitate to change her clothes since they have clothes here for free...

i decided to just take her shoes and jacket off only those so i walk closer and took off her shoe and put it aside as i walk closer i slowly unbotton her jacket to not wake her up but i was in shock when she open her eyes slowly and took my hand

what are you doing she said drunkly so its obvious na drunk parin siya...

let go. i said so i can finally go but she didnt let me go instead she pulled me closer and pin me on the bed

a-aiah your drunk... i said to her

as i was pin in the bed she slowly get closer to my face

aiah you dont know what your doing...

mikha i know what im doing rn i gulped

pinagpawisan ako at inanbotton ni aiah ang polo ko.

Aiah's POV
i slowly unbottoned mikha's polo and after that i kissed her,i was also not expecting her to kiss back so our kiss was longing,while we kiss i felt her tounge playing with mine,it was pleasurring where did she learn this?,as our kiss grew she starts sucking my bottom lip making making me let out a soft moan,after that she breaks the kiss then kiss my neck with passion and sucking it leaving a hickey,i moan at the pleasure,i gasp as she switch our place making her on top of me as she continue to kiss,suck,lick my neck,while she lets me enjoy i slowly unbotton her pants,while she kiss my neck leaving tons of hickeys she was also taking off my shirt and unbottoning my pants,later she took my pants off i felt my body going numb,as she kiss my legs start from toe to near my thighs,i start to sweat alot,hindi ko inaakala na mangyayari to saamin,i cover my mouth as she took my underwear off and start thrusting me,i moan cauple times and i was sure she was enjoying as much as i was

f-fuck mikha im n-near sabi ko while holding my moans mikha just noded and thrusted faster and pushed it deeper as i moan even lauder,when i reach my peak she stop at the right time i was so wet and she slowly come close to my face

you know what were doing right? bulong na sabi niya

fuck ang gwapo ng boses... nanghihina ako

my body was so numb and was still recovering from that pleasure she gave me,i build up my strengthe to talk

y-yea... i gasp for air as i breath heavily

your lucky i went easy on you... bulong niya sakin,nahihina ako pag naririnig ko boses nya

w-what? i asked breathless

she kiss me again while i was out of breath and did me another round,i moan so hard of what she did to me.

after that i fell asleep so did she we slept together and did the thing twice a night.

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