part 8 - confusion.

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you hadn't seen Joost for the remainder of the night— and your head hurt. You were confused,slightly drunk,and hurt? not physically, but mentally. Joost wasn't the type to just straight out ignore you.

You'd talked to everyone. It was nice to catch up, of course. You looked at your phone to see that Marcus and Martinus had already posted a picture you took with the two of them as you smiled; you knew you'd found some good friends here. You decided to message Joost.
where are you?
why have you been ignoring me??

read. 21:20.
As you saw he'd read it,you weren't sure if you should be mad or scared. People were starting to leave the party now,and you said your goodbyes. As it got emptier there was still no sign of him— but you couldn't revolve your life around him.
There was still fun without him,right?

You decided to stay for a bit and party with everyone that was left, before getting a bit dizzy and having to sit down— you spotted Martinus on the coach aswell.

He gave you a worried look,"are you okay?" he said as he looked at you. "Yeah...I might head back." You say with a sigh of defeat,as he seems confused. "You aren't with Joost?" He said with a raised brow.

"I can't find him. I think he's ignoring me. I don't know why." You admitted with a shrug,still not sure why.

"I mean I'm guessing he's already gone?" He said as he looked around,and so did you.

"He's nowhere? Really?" You say as the situation made no sense to you,"if so then I should really go—"

Martinus gives you an understanding look,"no,I get it,go on." He says as he holds his arms out,and you give him a hug; before going to say goodbye to the rest of the remaining members.


As you went down the hallway,it seemed to be getting longer and longer as you focused on not tripping over your own feet— still not sure how to feel about the situation with Joost.

As you get back, you realise he's the only one with a key,so if he wasn't here you were done for. You knock consistently,so hard it had started to hurt your knuckles.

You heard rustling from inside which confirmed he was inside,as he opened the door. His hair seemed messy,but other than that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him— not counting the clearly unimpressed expression on his face as he walked away from the door.

You were confused,so caught off guard by his cold behaviour, "okay what the fuck?" You say as you walked up to him. "You have been ignoring me all night,and now you won't even tell me why?" You say with a tone of anger,as you looked at him with a sort of desperation,waiting for him to speak.

"It seems stupid now." His voice seemed so quiet now that you hadn't heard it for so long, as embarrassment was laced in his tone. "I just—"

"Spit it out." You looked at him with a sigh.

"I mean,you were all over him,is there something going on between you two?" He said as he finally made eye contact with you.

You seem to freeze slightly at his revelation. For starters you didn't even know who he was talking about,and second of all, that's why he'd been ignoring you all night?

"Who?" You say holding your arms up in exasperation,"I'm here thinking there's something wrong with you and it's this?"

He tensed up at your words, and he seemed anxious. And his breathing picked up slightly.

"Listen. The idea of you getting with someone makes me feel sick. And i feel so selfish, but i just don't understand why!" He said with a hint of rush in his tone as he slowed down.

"I've known you for so long. Yet I've never understood how I feel about you."

He said in a quieter tone as he looked at the floor. The tension in the air was now thick,and you didn't know how to respond.

The two of you stood in silence.


AN: I know this one is a bit short but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger 🥰🙏

Also sorry for the long wait 🤦 I swap interests so quickly so like...

and sorry I felt a bit angsty

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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