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Jungkook : Welcome in my Jeon Company Mis Aina Fatima


Mr Jeon : what happened??

Aina look at Mr Jeon who was in full confusion ~

Aina : hain??? Mr Jeon you are not the CEO???

Mr Jeon : Huh?? Me ? Jungkook didn't you tl--

Jungkook : Ainaaa??? I told you already you forgot???

Aina : what-

Jungkook win k at her which make her feeling like killing him right now , but she control herself and said

Aina : oh yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I just remembered that Jungli told me alre-

Mr Jeon : Huh??? Did i heard something wrong or you seriously call him Jungli????

Jungkook Aina look at eachother with wide open eyes

Jungkook : ahhh dad you heard it wrong she just call me Mr Jung

Mr Jeon : i know I'm old but but i still can heard everything i know she didn't call u Mr ~

Aina : ahhh actually Sir as you are famous as Mr Jeon so i decided to call him as Mr Jung ~

Mr Jeon look at Aina and than to Jungkook , with his eyebrows joins in confusion ~

Mr Jeon : do you both-

Aina , Jungkook : NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Mr Jeon rested back to the chair with wide open eyes and he put his hand on his chest while gulping

Mr Jeon : Bachchon bachchon calm down!!!! I was just asking that do you both seriously wanna work together?

Aina Jungkook look at eachother with their side eyes and said while awkwardly smiling

Aina , Jungkook : Yeahhh~~~

Mr Jeon : may God safe my company ~

They both widened their eyes in shocked and said in shocking voice

Aina , Jungkook : what???

Mr Jeon : nothing!!! May God bless you ~

Jimin and Sira was sitting at the backseat where driver was driving the car to the meeting spot, til now the ride was silent when Jimin decide to break the silence but first he look at her side with his side eyes to make sure if she's reciting Tesbeeh or not than he look at her lips and finally he speak

Jimin : Mis Zehra ?

Sira : Mr Park ?

Jimin bursts into small chuckled when she said that , he loved when she said "Mr Park ?" Instead of "Yes? Yeah? Hmm? ",

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