This Is The Doomsday

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When the lightning comes crashing down
The danger comes marching in
The glass and wood will shatter
Causing everyone to scatter
There is no surrender

The fire roars, the flames soar
You'll start choking on the ash
Can you smell it; it's toxic
There is no escape
This is the doomsday
And your life's at stake

Charging in, we'll bash down the doors
So no good building up your walls
The time is nearing for your fall
Tears and blood will run down your face
Can't stop our fiery rage

The fire roars, the flames soar
You'll start choking on the ash
Can you smell it; it's toxic
There is no escape
This is the doomsday
And your life's at stake

The storm is ever raging
The rain won't protect you
The fire's too out of control
The frost fall won't save you
Watch it all burn down

The fire roars, the flames soar
You'll start choking on the ash
Can you smell it; it's toxic
There is no escape
This is the doomsday
And your life's at stake

This is the doomsday
And we're here to take it all

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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