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For as long as I can remember it has been me and my baby sister Nezzera against everything. We went through everything together. Through all the torture and abuse we always has each other's back and I always tried to protect her. I never thought the day would come where I'd be the one to hurt her. As I sit here in the damp, dirty, dingy cell we used to share, I begin to wonder where everything went wrong. Could it have been when our father sold us to the government just after Nezzera was born because he could not stand the sight of us? Or maybe it was through the years of torture the government put us through for them to have "the perfect weapons"? Was it all the years we were pitted against each other? I think everything went wrong the day we met him. I grit my teeth just thinking about that bastard. God, I remember that day so clearly.So, let me show you how we got to this point. The point where my sister is in on the run, her lover dead, I am sitting here regretting everything, Ella probably furiously hacking trying to figure out what happened, and the family Nez and I built for ourselves completely destroyed.  Let me show you.

Nezzera's Pov

How could he?!? He's supposed to be my older brother, the one who protects me from everything but instead he's destroyed everything. I mean the small family we found together is in  ruins, because of him I am on the run accused of being a traitor when reality Gideon is the traitor. He betrayed me all because he is too much of a coward to stand up against the people who abused and tortured us for years! And worst of all because of him the love of my life is dead! Everything was just starting to look up for the two of us, damn it! Then because of Gideon it all goes to shit. I swear on my own life if I ever see him again blood or not, he's dead. That saying blood runs thicker than water doesn't mean a thing to me anymore because far as I am concerned, he stopped being my brother the minute my love took his last breath. Now you are probably wondering how we got here to this point me planning Gideon's demise while being on the run for my life, the love of my life dead, the only family I have ever known destroyed, and my best friend Ella--god I miss her--- is probably worried sick and has most likely not sleep for days because she is hacking trying to figure out what the hell happened. So, let me show you.

Hi, I am Skyler!  This is my first story, so I am open to feedback and any tips other authors have will be greatly appreciated. Comments are encouraged and if you are going to comment please be kind not only to my story but each other. Also, fyi this is the shortest chapter the other ones will be longer. Other than that, please enjoy!

Echoes of Betrayal: The Roots of BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now