7| Nobody Uzumaki

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"What?" Kakashi breathed, his eyes wide as he frantically looked around. "Where did he go?"

"We can't let him escape!" Naruto cried. This guy might be his only chance at finding Yuto. Naruto had no idea why, but finding Aunt Kiyomi's late husband was one of his top priorities nowadays. How did he escape the wood? "I have to go after him!"

"What you need to do is stay put," Yamato snapped. "You've already been reckless enough as it is. If I have to restrain you, I will." Yikes. Yamato knew full well that Naruto feared him because of his immobilization skills.

Man, Naruto thought, letting out a defeated sigh. Anyhow, I shouldn't get too upset. There's really no proof that Danzo is in cahoots with Orochimaru to begin with. Danzo's actions weren't honorable, but his intentions were admirable. From what Naruto knew, all he wanted to do was protect Konoha, right? That had to amount to something, but definitely not stooping down to Orochimaru's level... Right?

"So, what do we do if we don't go after him?" Sakura asked, frowning. "He'll definitely report this to Danzo, right? Isn't that the exact opposite of what we want?"

"Not necessarily." Kakashi sighed before dipping his head again to look down at Pakkun. "So? Will you be able to do it?"

"Right, boss," Pakkun said gruffly. He then proceeded to trot to all the bodies and quickly sniff them each, storing their scent. Finally, he held his head high and darted into the endless forest around them.

Sasuke turned to the remaining five enemies as Sai hauled a sack of fish off from his shoulders that Naruto was just now noticing.

"Let's set up camp," Kakashi said with a tired sigh. "I'll keep first watch for the night."

"No, you rest," Naruto quickly said as Yamato used his wood to bring the masked men in one circle and restraining them with ropes instead. Naruto looked up to the sky. "Besides, I have the feeling that I'll be restless tonight anyway. It's fine—I'll watch out for enemies and keep an eye on these five."

Sasuke gave him a look—one that said he wasn't sure he could trust Naruto not to murder them all in the sleep. Naruto gave him a look in return—an exasperated one. As if he'd do something so stupid and dishonoring. Not that he could be any more disgraceful than he already was.

He glanced at Kakashi, who also seemed hesitant. But hadn't he heard Naruto's words earlier? Naruto had said he felt Kakashi to be a father to him—didn't that amount to anything?

"We're afraid you might kill us," Sai blatantly said. To anyone else, his words would come off as harsh and unnecessary, but it was clear everyone was already thinking the exact same thing. Sai had something most people didn't—the ability to voice everybody's thoughts, no matter how unhinged or blunt they may be.

Still, Naruto visibly deflated. "Oh, come on. Have a little faith in me. Earlier, didn't Kakashi say that doubting each other was out of the question?"

"Besides, you're no match for me," Sasuke pointed out as a hilarious way to boost his disintegrating ego. "So, whatever. You can have first watch. Wake me next."

"I'm tempted to lash out," Kurama abruptly said, growling low in his throat. "One day I'll humble this brat."

Naruto rolled his eyes, both at Sasuke and Kurama. "Right," he flatly said.

"I'll have first shift with him, too," Sai offered. "We'll switch off with Sasuke and Captain Yamato next."

Well, at least this way they'd be able to sleep with ease. It was clear they trusted Sai far more than they did Naruto, but that didn't come as a surprise. They barely knew the guy, and with the new information that the seal was off, they trusted him less.

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