Feelings- Koba

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It had taken a long time for Koba to trust me. I knew it wasn't easy for him, especially after everything humans had done to him. He always had an eye on me ever after I had gained his trust. It was a different look in his eyes now.
I could feel his gaze on me when I was helping to make dinner for the colony that day. I tried to always be friendly with him to show him that I wasn't like the past humans who had hurt him. He's a strong warrior and he helped me learn how to hunt. I don't hunt much anymore; I'd rather help the women and children with things around the colony.

Koba watched her from a far helping with tonight's dinner. She was the human who had changed his mind; made him see things like Ceaser. The ape king had let her stay after leaving a human group. She helped the colony as much as she could. Koba missed their time together when he was teaching her to hunt. He wanted her next to him again. He wanted her.
Ceaser had noticed Koba starring her. He walked over with a smile on his face and sat down beside his friend.
"You miss her?" Ceaser signed as he sat beside him.
"What?" Koba questioned being taken aback.
"I see how you look at her. Not like human. Something more." Ceaser signed with a grin coming across his face.
"She is different. Something more. I can't." Koba signed his frustration rising within him. Why couldn't she be an ape? Why did she have to be a human?
"You could. It's your feelings. Talk to her." Ceaser signed trying to help his friend.
"I'll think about it." Koba signed going back to his starring.
Ceaser frowned and arose from his place. He patted Koba on the back and traveled down the ramp to the dining place.

(Y/N) was busy putting the finally touches on dinner that night. They were having deer with different fruits that the apes had gathered. She could feel Koba's gaze on her and it made her nervous. She wasn't scared of him but she didn't want to mess up in front of him. She felt like she was putting on a show. She looked up seeing Ceaser coming down the ramp from Koba. Koba had his eye fixed on her again and she could feel heat inside her raise. She liked Koba but she knew that even though he liked her as a friend that there was no way that he could see her as a mate. He'd never want to be with her like that.
Before (Y/N) knew it Ceaser was walking through her. Ceaser wasn't trying to scare her but it seems he did anyway. He broke her stare with Koba by walking up next to her.
"Oh, hey Ceaser, sorry I got distracted." She said while loosely sighing along with her speaking.
"It's okay. Any reason for your distraction?" Ceaser signed while looking at tonight's meal.
"It's nothing to concern you with." She said with smile; not trying to sound rude.
"Surprise me." Ceaser signed plainly. He wanted to know how she felt about Koba.
"Well, I've been noticing Koba starring at me. I'm not worried about it but I just wonder what he is thinking when he is looking at me." She spoke all this not wanting Koba to read her signing. She liked Koba but there was not point in trying to get with him. He would never like her like that.
"He likes you. Try talking to him about it. No point in hiding feelings." Ceaser signed back wanting their relationship to go somewhere. He wanted both of them to be happy.
"I will try. Maybe I can sit by him tonight at dinner." (Y/N) signed back with a hopeful smile.
"Good spirit." Ceaser signed as he left the talk to his wife.
Koba thought about Ceaser words. He didn't want to destroy their friendship but he wanted her to himself. He wanted to feel her close to him again. He would have to sit beside her at dinner and study her body language when she is around him.

That tonight at dinner, (Y/N) had fixed each groups food so everyone would have enough for their groups. She normally sat with Ceaser's group so that worked with plan to get closer to Koba. Ceaser and the groups were already sat down when she finally came to eat. Koba had saved her sit right beside him. He made sure that no one would sit there. Koba looked at her when she came up to the group looking for a sit.
"(Y/N), here." Koba signed as him pointed at the empty spot beside him.
"Thank you, Koba." (Y/N) signed with a smile as she sat next to him.
"I have something for you." She signed to him. She pulled berries out of a small bag. (Y/N) hoped that the gesture would show him somewhat of how she felt for him.
"Thank you. That's very kind of you." Koba sighed as he took the berries. It was very kind of her.

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