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Being an actor is everyone's dream. Seeing yourself on tv. Or being one of the biggest names in America isn't as easy as it seems. Yes, paparazzi is a big problem, but one of the decisions an actor has is their dating life. Ok ok taylor swift doesn't count she has had like what 500 boyfriends? But that's beyond the topic. You may be wondering, how do you know? How do you know what it's like? Well I went through it and it's not pretty.

I was a normal 8th grade student. I wasn't very popular. I had maybe two good friends. Lacey Lenington, delusional one, she is a blown out Olivia and Taylor swift girl. And she knows every celebrity off the face of this planet. She has 500 hundred crushes not counting the ones at our school. And she loves to read. My friend Addi, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. She hates reading, has maybe one crush, and listens to country.

"HADDLEE!" Lacey screams running down the hallway. Addi rolled her eyes. "Does she have to scream every time she says your name? I mean even my horses aren't that loud!" I have to give it to her. She is loud but she's good to have around. "Shut up, addi this important" lacey said playfully glaring at Addi. Addi put her hands up in defense. "Ok ok what is it" i said "YOU KNOW-" Addi glared at her "Now you don't have to scream" lacey looked at her and sighed "sorry i can't help it..anyway you know the percy jackson books i read" i looked at her "lacey you read so many books i can't even remember-oh wait the ones with the greeks?" Lacey pushed up her glasses. "Yeah they are making a tv show and they are asking for kids our age to audition" she squealed "so you want to audition for a show?" Addi said looking at her blankly "not me horse breath! Hadlee!" I looked at her in shock. Is she out of her mind there is no way i'm auditioning for a tv show about a book i don't even know. "Please Hadlee just audition if you don't get it ok but please for me?" I looked at her actually thinking about it "you can't be serious you actually want to?" Addi said, looking at me. "Well yeah I mean what could it hurt?" Lacey practically jumped to mars. I smiled and she seemed happy. Addi just rolled her eyes and thats when the bell rang.

I was sitting in class when a guy and a kid maybe 12 i dont know came into my room. The kid had blonde curly hair. He was maybe 4'10 4'11? I dont know but i can name like five boys i know that are shorter... "addi arent you into short guys?" lacey whispered to addi and me. "Shut up lacey at least ive had a boyfriend" i just rolled my eyes looking back at the guy and the boy. "Hi i'm rick riordan im the author of the series percy jackson and many others" lacey nearly passed out. I slightly laughed at her.

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