xii. if i had a nickel for every time this happened

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 TW: mild self-harm (?). unsure of how to categorize it, but warning nonetheless. it's marked with a *

The once cerulean sky had grown darker as the Going Merry sailed towards Whisky Peak, the clouds dusting the sea in white snowflakes. The waves were moderately calm, not causing too much chaos on board, save for the usual antics the weather called for. The chilled air called for Y/N to wear more sensible clothes or change to a new She decided on a mix of overalls and a mesh t-shirt, the heavier fabric keeping her body warm while the mesh underneath allowed her skin to breathe. Over the top, she sported a cropped, pale artichoke-colored jacket with a storm grey hood to match her overall shorts. Around the elbow, the sleeve turned briefly into a mesh. She wore one knee pad and a pouch strapped to her thigh. She thought wearing open-toed shoes was a good idea for some reason, but that was neither here nor there. Finally, her dominant hand wore one grey fingerless glove. Of course, she had her blades and outback hat, but her red neckerchief was tied right above her protected knee.

As Y/N exited the warmth of the lounge, she gingerly sipped the piping hot cocoa Sanji had prepared for her. She leaned over the railing to observe the clamor on deck, and a soft smile found its place on her lips. Usopp and Luffy were engaged in what was likely a snowman-building competition that quickly derailed when Luffy decided his 'Mr. Snowman' would attack Usopp's 'Snow Queen.' She heard Nami grumbling from inside, coaxing the cook to continue shoveling the endless snow. Inside were also the two weirdos from Reverse Mountain. Y/N made her way up to the deck at the bow where Zoro sat sleeping, chucking a spare jacket in his face.

He grunted as the impact woke him up. He pulled the garment from his face to scowl at the culprit, who was currently sticking her tongue out. "I don't need your shitty coat."

"Boo-hoo just put it on already! I don't wanna have to stop just to get a doctor because you wanted to freeze!!" She hissed back.

"Like you're dressed any better!"

"Whatever." She dug into her pocket for a moment before tossing something to him.

Zoro inspected the bottle, a smirk growing on his face as he recognized what it was. "Thanks for the booze, Two."

Y/N sat down beside him, leaning the back of her head against the white railing. "You act like I haven't known you for five fucking years."

"Has it been that long?" He chuckled, setting the bottle down on the spare coat to keep it from getting damaged.

"Sure has, Three."

The somewhat tender moment between the sword fighters was cut short by the crackle of thunder and the subsequent shriek of terror from Nami calling for the ship to turn around. The two didn't pay any mind, the man simply dozing off again. Unfortunately for the woman, the navigator ordered her to help control the ship. Y/N reluctantly obliged, chugging the remainder of her drink before leaping into action, hauling the ropes to furl the sails again.

Usopp ran downstairs to deal with a leak, Nami continued shouting orders, and everyone excluding Zoro raced to keep the Merry afloat.


"Yawn... Wow, what a peaceful nap." Zoro stood up to stretch his limbs, blinking as he noticed Y/N lying exhausted near his feet. "I guess I missed a lot. What's the consensus, Luffy?"

The captain lacked his sandals together, "We're sailing to their town."

"Who– oh, it's you guys." He looked to the weirdos on deck, crouching down to stare at them. "Hmm. You two look like you're up to something. What did you say your names were?"

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