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"I never expected you to be the one to betray me. Why was it you?" exclaimed the crown prince.

The crown prince's younger brother was kneeling down on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. (Played by Xiao Zhan)

"Why? Ha...." He screamed at his brother "Why not ask yourself? Everyone in the court knows I'm outstanding in both astuteness and prowess! Do I have to submit to your rule just because you're the eldest son? I don't accept that!"

"You betrayed me and concluded with the enemies just to get back at me?" The crown prince grabs his younger brother from his collar in anger.

"Yes!" He too looks at his elder brother with fire in his eyes, challenging him right then and there.


"Bravo...." Everyone claps to Wei and Xiao Zhan's acting. "You both are born actors. Perfect shot!"

Wei smiles at everyone and goes to his makeup room to rest. He stumbles a little on the way and Lin Che holds him by his shoulder.

"Wei ...are you okay?"

"I-I am fine, Lin Che..."

My stomach has been throbbing for sometime. Maybe I'll be fine after I take a rest.

Wei sits down on the floor of his makeup room his knees pressed against his stomach. His pain was increasing. It was getting difficult to bear. He was waiting for Yunlan to pick him up but he was late.

"Why is Yunlan so late?" Wei groaned in pain.

Just then a jacket falls on Wei's shoulder and he whips his head "Ah-lan....." But instead it was Lin Che.

"I noticed you look pale just now.....are you not feeling well?"

"Not a big deal ...I can sleep this off"

Just then Yunlan walks inside his makeup room. "Wei?..."

"Ah-lan...you are finally here" Wei stumbles on his feet as he gets up from the ground. Lin Che immediately steadied him.

"What's wrong? You look pale?"

Wei walks towards Yunlan and snuggles in his embrace "I have a stomachache"

"Let's go... I'll take you to the hospital"


Yunlan looks behind at Lin Che who had concern written all over his face "Thank you for taking care of him. As his boyfriend, I appreciate that a lot"

"Yunlan....if you keep being jealous of him, I might die of pain here..."

Yunlan chuckles and kisses Wei's forehead. He holds Wei close in his embrace and walks towards the car. Just then........a camera clicks capturing their picture.

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