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"IT IS YOU!!!"

Yuri screamed and rushed to meet me

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Yuri screamed and rushed to meet me. Before I could even react, she crushed me in a big hug, squealing excitedly. For some reason, I instinctively hugged back.

"Gosh! I've missed you so much! It's been such a long time, Wony-unnie!" Yuri beamed as she pulled back.
"A–Annyeong, Yuri! W–What... What are you... Doing here?" I stammered, although I knew the answer already.
"Eh? I live here! Oppa and I!" she laughed, sounding a little confused, "Jamkkanman. I thought you're here because you needed Yeon-seo oppa?"
"E–Eh? Y–Yeonseo?" I stuttered, my mind still processing. Yuri nodded.
"Mm! Ya, tell me! Did my idiot brother mess up again? Did he forget something before leaving the office? That bozo is super forgetful, you see!" she rapidly spoke.

Yuri lifted the bag in her hand.

"See this? I told him to buy eggs for us just now, and he forgot to bring his bag! His wallet is inside! How is he supposed to pay for the eggs if he didn't bring his wallet!" she complained. "I was rushing down to give it to him before he left, but... Apparently he's gone already... BUT I GET TO MEET YOU! YAY!"
"A–Ah... W–Well... It's..." I fumbled, not knowing what to say without revealing that I was listening to their conversation earlier, but Yuri clearly wasn't expecting an answer.
"Anyway! He'll be fine. He'll find a way to pay for the eggs. Ya! You shouldn't wait for him here! Let's go up to my unit! He won't be long!" she chirped.

Before I could react, Yuri seized my wrist and dragged me towards the lift lobby. I had no choice but to follow, my mind still reeling. This was the first time I had seen Yuri in years. The last time, she was just a little girl. How long ago was that? Five, maybe six years? How old was she now? Seventeen?

We stepped into the lift, and I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. As the doors closed, I managed to gather myself enough to start a conversation.

"I–It's... It's been so long, Yuri-ya! How old are you now? Eighteen? Seventeen?" I asked as we went up. Yuri nodded.
"I just turned seventeen yesterday, Unnie!" she grinned. I gasped.
"Omo! Saengil chukhahae, Yuri-ya! Happy belated birthday!" I wished her well. She squealed and nodded rapidly.
"Kamsahamnida! Gosh. Between this and meeting Gaeul-sunbae yesterday... This has to be the best couple of days ever in recorded history!" she declared.
"Y–You... You met Gaeul-sunbae yesterday?" I asked in surprise.
"Mm! Oppa brought me to Hongdae for thrifting yesterday after lunch, and we bumped into Gaeul-sunbae and her... Uh... Dear cousin," she giggled.
"Ah... Kim Hana..." I mumbled.
"That's the one! And... Yeah we even managed to take a selfie!" she chirped.

Yuri took out her phone and showed her lock screen wallpaper to me. Yep. It was a selfie of Yuri and Gaeul.

"A–Ah... Geurae..." I nodded, forcing a smile, still calming my nervous heart.
"Gosh, she was so kind and pretty... And surprisingly tall too! Well, I mean... Now that I meet you again... That makes sense, huh... You're soooooooo tall, Unnie..." Yuri mused.

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