act twenty-eight { the black moon, nemesis }

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Where am I? This isn't the palace?

A blank expanse of black was all Miyako could see. From the heights above her head to the depths below her feet, all she could see was nothing. A bright light broke out into the darkness, basking her in a gleam she couldn't see. When she looked down at the clothes weighing her body, her brows knotted.  She was dressed...normally. Now lying down, the girl stood tall to see where she truly was. 

Hello? Is anyone out there?

Her voice called, but it sounded only in her brain. She opened her mouth to speak, but the voice only sounded like an echo in her head. 

Quiet fell around her in the light space, but the clack! of footfalls grabbed her attention. They were familiar; its gentle pace was a reminder of the man who always walked around her. The falls of the dress shoes were long enough for his legs and slow enough for her shorter legs to keep up with him. 

Miyako turned to the direction she heard the steps walk off to. 

Mamoru, wait, don't go! Where are we? And what . . is happening?

The teen's back walked further and further from before the scene changed. Just as she reached for Mamoru's shoulder, two figures stood on either side of him. Their clothes of a uniform dark blue and black contrasted with the white around them. 

Excuse me, but do you know where--

Oh, there isn't a thing you should worry about.

The figures, a man and woman, caressed every inch of Mamoru's body. His eyes danced with malice and sin, unashamed. 

As if a dream grabbed her awake, the woman gripped her shoulders, forcing her to watch the man lean his face to hers. The two worked in tandem with each other, switching their faces in front of Miyako's eyes. They were like twins that moved from her to Mamoru in less than a second. Miyako was barely allowed to breath when she watched the dark-haired woman cup Mamoru's face and kiss him. 

All manners of breathing choked in her throat. The woman smiled at the man before they both looked and lunged at her. 

"What is going on?!"

A scratching scream ripped from Miyako's throat. Jerked awake and now sitting tall, her hands flew to her chest, covering her rapidly thumping heart. Whether her dreams were only that or deceitful nightmares, the girl didn't know. All she did know was that she dreamt for so long, she had changed clothes and was transported to a new place entirely. 

The cool touch of metal weighed in her hand. Miyako flitted her eyes to her Brooch in her palm. 

What first caught her eyes was the canopy of a white dressed bed she laid in. When she looked to the room the bed lay in, the vast bedroom Miyako found herself in was adorned with all the necessities, but bare of any personal effects. Candles lit the rooms darkest corners and guided her to spaces she could walk through. When she peeled her body from the silk sheets and cloud-like duvet, Miyako stopped in front of a wall-length window to see what luxury she was wrapped in. 

A gown of blue to white fit her body like a glove. Atop her head of blue hair was a white tiara, and around her bicep was a metal band. 

My hair. 

Miyako raked her fingers through her styled hair. Not only was it longer--the length her past self would wear it--and normal, but it was a sign she lost her powers between her trip from Neo-Tōkyō and here. 

"Where am I even? How did I get here?"

Not a voice nor piece of evidence could answer the question. The only answer Miyako could find was from the open bedroom door. Collected in her hands, the skirt of her gown was hiked up so she could roam the place. The more her heels clacked on the cool ground, the more she realized this place resembled a castle. 

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