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June 10, 2024

Xavier sat at the bar, his rum and coke untouched as his thoughts consumed him. How had it come to this? Less than a year after she had said "I do," she was now telling him she didn't love him anymore.

He had stood by her through her cancer scare, her job loss, taking care of everything while she did nothing, not even showing him affection. Yet, he still loved her, committed to the vows of better or worse.

The pain of her words echoed in his mind, each repetition like a knife to his heart, and a tear escaped his eye.

Turning his gaze away from his drink, he caught sight of Nova, her radiant smile lighting up the room. She seemed to glow with happiness, as if she were the sole recipient of the sun's warmth. And beside her stood Marcus, his expression filled with love and adoration, perhaps even more so than Xavier had ever seen before.

The contrast between his own heartbreak and their apparent joy was a bitter pill to swallow.

Seeing Nova and Marcus together only intensified Xavier's pain. All he had ever wanted was for Amara and him to find happiness with each other, to be in love, to build a life together, and to grow alongside each other.

The sight of their happiness served as a stark reminder of what he had lost.

"Hey, would you like another one?" the bartender asked, noticing Xavier's untouched drink.

"Hey, Xavier," Nova's voice reached his ears, its melodic tone ringing like a bittersweet melody.

Xavier wiped away the tear that had escaped, trying to compose himself. He nodded to the bartender, signaling that he would take another drink, his heart heavy with the weight of his emotions.

Xavier tried to muster a smile as he greeted Nova and Marcus, but the pain in his eyes betrayed his facade.

"Hey, Marcus, Nova, how are y'all?" he greeted them, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Marcus stood in front of Nova like a protective shield, exuding a sense of possessiveness and loyalty.

Xavier could see in Marcus's eyes the unwavering devotion he held for Nova, a depth of commitment that spoke volumes.

"Y'all care to join me?" Xavier offered, hoping for a moment of connection amidst his inner turmoil.

"Nah, we actually have a group waiting on us in the back. We just saw you here and stopped by," Marcus replied, his perceptive gaze not missing the pain etched on Xavier's face.

Despite Xavier's attempt to mask his emotions, it was his eyes that revealed the depth of his inner turmoil.

"Nova, I am so sorry for how I treated you. You didn't deserve that. You were a good friend to me, and I regret my actions towards you. I just want you to know that," Xavier expressed, his voice filled with genuine remorse.

Nova smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a sense of understanding and forgiveness. "Xavier, I'm not. If I hadn't met you and gone through everything I did with you by my side, I wouldn't have been able to recognize love when it was right in front of me. I wouldn't have found my person, my source of happiness. Everything unfolded as it was meant to, and I can honestly say that I am truly happy with the way things have turned out," she shared, her gaze filled with love as she looked at Marcus.

"Take care of her," Xavier urged Marcus, his voice carrying a mix of sincerity and regret. "She's worth the moon and the stars."

"Nigga, you don't have to tell me! I know her worth, her loyalty, her love, her commitment. I see it every time I look at her," Marcus responded firmly, his words laced with a protective intensity.

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