Prologue: The Convergence of Worlds

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" Hey..-"


What's going on?...



It feels like I been in a very very long dream..


Wait- am I outside?

" Can you hear me?"


I remember now...

who I am-

The white walls of the White Room had always been my world, a place where every aspect of life was controlled, measured, and calculated.

From an early age, I was trained to be the perfect student, the ultimate tool.

Emotions were a weakness, attachments a liability. I learned to suppress them all, to be the cold, calculating machine they wanted me to be.

But even in such an environment, life had a way of throwing unexpected challenges my way.

My time at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School had tested me in ways I never anticipated.

Despite my best efforts to remain in the shadows, the intricate social dynamics and constant power struggles drew me out, forcing me to navigate a world where human relationships and personal agendas were as dangerous as any physical threat.

Now, it seemed, fate had another twist in store for me.The day had started like any other.

I went through the motions of classes, carefully maintaining my facade of mediocrity. Yet, there was an unease in the air, a feeling I couldn't quite place.

It was as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.And then it did.

The sensation was unlike anything I had experienced before, a sudden, disorienting shift as if the ground itself had disappeared beneath my feet.

I felt myself being pulled through a tunnel of swirling colors and sounds, my mind struggling to keep up with the onslaught of sensory information.

I fought to stay conscious, to hold on to my sense of self amidst the chaos. But just as abruptly as it began, it stopped.

I found myself lying on a sandy beach, the sun blazing overhead and the sound of waves crashing in the distance.

For a moment, I wondered if this was another test, another elaborate scenario designed to push me to my limits.But as I looked around, it became clear that this was something entirely different.

The air was different, the sounds unfamiliar. I stood up, taking in the sight of a lush island that stretched out before me, a far cry from the urban jungle I was used to.

"Hey, are you okay?" a voice called out, pulling me from my thoughts.I turned to see a boy with messy brown hair and a concerned expression approaching me.

His school uniform was different from mine, a distinct design with a black blazer and red tie.

"I'm fine," I replied, standing up and dusting the sand off my clothes. "Where am I?"

"You're on Jabberwock Island," he said. "I'm Hajime Hinata. We all woke up here not too long ago. It seems like we're part of some sort of... game."

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" It's a long story.."

A game? My mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of information.

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