Not your child

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Author Pov

*You reached home and closed the door behind you quietly and leaned back against the closed door.. The words that doctor said earlier kept playing in your mind again and again.. You were pregnant with your ex-husband's baby.. You didn't know what to feel, How to feel, You were a mess.. You can't even imagine how will you tell him that you're pregnant with his baby.. You didn't know what to do now.. Your heart was beating fastly and you were feeling overwhelmed..*

*You gulped feeling really overwhelmed, Thinking about telling him about this.. You sat down on the couch and ran your fingers through your hair frustrated.. You couldn't believe you were in this situation.. Pregnant with your ex-husband's baby who was rude to you in the hospital when he found out that you're pregnant..*

*You stood up and started pacing the room while biting your nails.. Trying to think of how you'll tell you're ex-husband about this .. Feeling overwhelmed in your thoughts... You tried hard not to cry but the tears couldn't be stopped which fell down your cheeks making your cheeks more wet and stained them.. You just stood there with tears in your eyes and gulped.. Pregnant.. With your ex-husband's baby.. who is rude and mean towards you*

*Not being able to think properly. You picked up your phone and dialed your best friend's number.. It took some seconds for her to receive her call.. She finally did and said with a concerned and excited tone*

On the phone 📞

Sumu : "Hello! How did your appointment go?" She said which made you sniffle and she said a little concerned* "Wait.. are you okay? What happened? *She asked as you couldn't hide that you were crying*

"I went to the doctor today, and-
I-I am pregnant. I don't know what to do. "

Sumu : Noorie. I need you to calm down and everything will be fine. It's just a small shock. Listen, you have to be strong. You need to think what you want to do. Do you want to keep the baby?

"I don't know"

Sumu : You have to think about it babe but no matter if you keep it or not i will always be there for you. I'm your friend since 5 years and you know you can tell me everything and i will always be there for you. You know it's a huge responsibility to keep a baby. But i can understand how hard it is. But you need to be brave okay. Can you do this for me babe?

"Will I be a bad mother if I abort it? "

Sumu : No, no no no babe you won't be a bad mother if you abort it babe do you listen to me? You won't. I will always been there with you and we can overcome this together okay? Don't you ever think you're a bad mother babe. You listen to me? And also you have to decide for yourself so what if this baby is his? He cheated on you and this baby will only make you feel sick babe

"I saw him today in the hospital. He was my gynecologist. But I requested for a different doc and checked it. He maybe heard it. And by his expression he doesn't seem happy. "

Sumu: That bastard doesn't deserve you even if you were to keep the baby or not. He was the one who cheated. You listen to me babe you need to calm down. I promise everything will be fine.

"How?  I have no one around me. How am I gonna support my child. I don't want to raise it without it's father. "

Sumu: That bastard betrayed you. Look i know you think you are alone. But are you for real? What about your parents?? What about me!? I promised you i'm never leaving you babe!!

"I can't think straight. "

Sumu : You have to babe. Everything will be fine. Just calm down babe. Your parents love you so much i know babe. They will support you. And i will too. I made a promise to you remember babe? I will always be there for you babe. Please trust me. Please stop crying i can't see you like this babe

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