Press week - Crygi

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Requested by KatTart55 🫶🏼

Gigi's POV:
"Ugh Crystal I can't find the match to this shoe anywhere!". It was currently 6am and the first day of press week, I was usually more organised than this but Crystal crashing in my room last night definitely contributed to this chaos. Crystal checked the time on his phone and grumbled, "Gigi our call time isn't until 1pm! I haven't even figured out my look for today, please just come back to bed" he said softly opening up his arm for me to come cuddle into. I couldn't say no to that, I turned off the lamp and put down my look for later over one of the chairs and climbed back into bed beside him, laying my head on his chest and my arm around his waist. The sound of his heartbeat helped soothe me back to sleep despite how stressed I had been feeling.

Before long both mine and Crystals phones started to ring, it was 9:30am. We always both set alarms just incase someone's didn't go off, it was odd but it was like our own tradition we had started when filming. I sprung up and was so excited for the day ahead, Crystal on the other hand was not a morning person. He turned onto his side to try cuddle into me this time, his curls tickling my face as he did so. "You're such a baby when you're tired" I tease as I run my hands through his mullet trying to neaten it. I go on my phone and have a message from Jan asking if we want to go out for breakfast with all the other girls before we need to come back and get ready. "Sure babe, we will be down in 10 minutes I just need to drag Crystal out of bed!" I reply before announcing to Crystal we are going to breakfast with the cast. I jump out of bed and decide on a cute but casual outfit, a pair of joggies and a black racer top and I put my hair up in a claw clip that is in the shape of a flower. Crystal eventually rolls out of bed and grabs a funky patterned shirt from his suitcase and a pair of shorts, before heading to the bathroom to put some water on his hair to try and tame it from a night of tossing and turning.

Once we were both dressed we walked hand and hand downstairs to meet the others in the lobby, "mom and dad are here!" An excited Heidi exclaimed as we came out of the elevator, we exchanged hugs with everyone before Jan lead the way to a small cafe just a couple doors down from the hotel. "Are y'all excited for today!" Jaida asked after we'd ordered our food, "I'm so excited" Jackie and Brita both said in unison. I was excited for press week too, but I was more excited about getting to spend a week with Crystal, whenever we were all talking to each other my eyes kept finding their way back to him, the way he had a permanent smile with his amazing teeth, the way his hair sat so perfectly on his shoulders, his glasses. I was obsessed with everything about him, I moved my hand over onto his thigh whilst listening to Nicky try to teach Widow a sentence in French, and within an instant Crystal had intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back, "you guys are so sweet it makes me nauseous" Aiden said with a laugh, "that's the truest thing you have ever said" Daliah called out. We all laughed, I loved this cast I truly did, but I loved Crystal the most.

Crystals POV:
We walked back to the hotel to begin getting ready, I had Gigi wrapped around my arm as we walked. "Do you want to get ready together, or will I venture back to my own room?" I ask her with a smile, "is that even a question, you are getting ready with me" she replies as she playfully pushes me. We say goodbye to all of the other girls and head back to our room to start getting ready. I pulled out what I planned on wearing today, it was a crazy combination of bright colours and patterns, finished off with a bright orange wig and a pink bird on the chest of my jacket. I looked over to where Gigi was to admire what she had pulled out, it resembled a classic dinner worker with the red and white checkered pattern accompanied by a large burger, which doubled as a handbag. "You're crazy" I laugh as I admire the outfit before taking off my shirt and sitting down to start my makeup. Gigi comes up behind me and drapes her arms over my shoulders giving me a cuddle before we start the long process of getting ready, her hands trace my tattoo on my chest and she buries her face into my hair. "I love you so much" a muffled voice says, "I love you more" I reply to her, picking up her hand from my chest and placing a kiss gentle on it, "now cmon let's see who can get ready quickest!" I challenge her. "You can paint in like 45 minutes that is not a fair race!", that was the whole point I had challenged her to a race, because I knew I'd win.

After finishing up my paint for the day I find my outfit and put it on, checking myself out in the mirror. I looked insane, but I loved this look! "Yes Crystal!" Gigi called over, she was only about 3/4 of the way through her face but she looked incredible. I made my way over to our messy bed and lay down on it, turning on the TV in hopes something half decent was on since it was only 11:30am and I still had an hour and a half to kill. I settled on a horror film about sharks and pulled out my phone to see if any of the other girls were ready yet. Rock had posted a photo into the GC of her and Nicky who were both ready, I reacted with a love heart before joking to Gigi that even Nicky was ready before her today. "Stop being a big bully" she laughed as the threw a makeup brush across the room at me, "hey that hurt!" I say as I pretend to hold my arm, "aww baby I didn't mean to!" Gigi please, "come here let me kiss it better". I shuffle across the room to her and hold out my arm, she's unaware of the fact the brush didn't even hit me, but I'd never turn down an opportunity to be babied by her.

Gigi finished pulling on her look for the day and we were finally both ready! We still weren't allowed to post anything but we took some pictures just for memories, "12:50pm" Gigi cheers as she checks the time, "I made it again both shoes and all!". As we leave the room to make the trip to the lobby we bump into Heidi who looks great, her face has only gotten better since the show and I am beyond impressed with her. "El debarge and mom, my two favourite people" she said wrapping an arm around both me and Gigi and giving us a cuddle, "I can't wait for this week!" She cheers excitedly, "us too" I reply happily. As we get down to the lobby and find the other girls there is such a feeling of excitement around us. A producer appears and begins to usher us into the vans outside to head off to our first filming location of the day. "After you" I say offering my hand to help Gigi up into the van, "thank you baby" she replies with a smile, the van door closes behind me and I watch the hotel disappear from the window as we drive away. I couldn't wait for this.

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