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What a great way to start the day I thought I finally got my self together and got ready

It was cold outside because it's September I'm not used to this weather yet

I ran downstairs grabbed a granola bar and a water bottle and I walked to the bus stop

Thank god Zach is going to the same school as me I at least have some to sit
Next to at lunch

Speaking of Zach he was standing at the bus stop kicking around his soccer ball

"Hi Lia" Zach greeted me with a smile

"How are you happy at this time of day" I asked him

"I guess I'm always happy there is no reason not to be happy" he said

"You are so positive its creepy" I laughed

The bus came and I sat in the back with some girl who was wearing to much perfume and makeup I was about to suffocate but I should make friends

"Hi I'm Lia" I said

"Hi I'm jade I could care less who you are and oh yeah stay away from my boyfriend Zach or I will make your life a living hell" she said

Wow she's nice.

We finally arrived at school and I went straight to the office avoiding Zach there is just one problem where is the office

"Um are you new" I heard a voice say

"Yea hi I'm Lia" I introduced myself

"Hi Lia I'm Ty" he said

"Yea um I'm actually lost do you know where the office is" I asked

"Yea it down that hall to the right" he said


"See you at lunch?"

"Yea if I can find the lunchroom" I laughed

"Haha bye Lia" he said walking back

He is so cute

I finally get to the office and they give me my class

1st period- Math
2nd period-biology
3rd period-Spanish
4th period-lunch
5th period-reading and writing
6th period-art
7th period-theater
8th period-gym

Thank god I have gym last

I head off to my first class which is Math great my mind can not be solving equations at 8am

I rush into class because I don't want the halls to be crowded and be late on my fist day so you never know

"Welcome class take your seats please" the crusty old bald headed teacher announced

I sat in the middle of the class because I like to be in the back but not all the way In the back

The be rung and he started explains how this class is gonna work bla bla bla
Then some comes into the class 30 minutes late

"Well mr.Clayton you are late on the first day" mr.Jones said in an angry voice

"Yea what else does it look like at least I'm here right" Zach chuckled and went and took a seat next to me

This is gonna be a long day

I put all by books back into my locker and saw Ty walking towards the Lunchroom

"Hey Ty" I said

"So how was your first day Lia" he asked

"It was weird did you know that Mr.Jones has a really creepy doll" I shivered

"Yea it still creeps me out to this day and I've had him for 2 years now" he agreed

We laughed all the way to the lunchroom about how The Spanish teacher has the biggest crush on the janitor

We got to the table and he introduced me to Javion , Ray , and the devil jade though I already met her he didn't have to introduce me to Zach because Zach told him we met already

The whole time me me javion Ray and Ty where making jokes and cracking up to the point where our stomachs hurt and we wanted to stop laughing but we couldn't

In the meantime Jade was sucking the hell out of Zach's face eww

"Yo I like this girl we should invite her to our movie nights" Javion offered

"How come you don't invite me" Jade pouted

"Your always invited" Zach smiled at her

"Noo no hoes invited" Ray whispered in my ear

I couldn't help it we stared laughing so hard we fell on the floor

"What's so funny?" Jade asked in her annoying squeaky voice

"Yyyoooouuuu" Javion sang

And she started crying

"Calm down its just a song" Zach assured her

No no it's not I thought

*end off the day*

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and walked out to the bus

Only to get tripped by Jade

"Watch where your going bitch" she laughed

"Oh and your life here is done I warned you STAY AWAY FROM MY ZACHARY" she huffed

Then I felt someone kick me in my back and it wasn't Jade


Hope you enjoyed

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