Restaurant Fortunes

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Our scene begins with a small circular table with two characters, facing each other. Neither one of them has food, all that is on the table is a large bowl of unwrapped fortune cookies and a couple of glasses of water. The two are looking at the bowl before one of them takes a cookie and cracks it open, handing it to their friend to eat while they hold the fortune.

ASH: Okay okay, first one of the night! It says, 'You constantly struggle for self improvement - and it shows'. Well, wow damn ok. That's a bit harsh. (they ball up the fortune and place it on a plate).

CINDER: Listen. It's being honest though. (he laughs and takes a cookie, breaks it, eats it, and holds out his fortune) Let's see if I'm lucky.

'He who grabs the last lettuce wrap is the least hungry'. The fuck kind of fortune is that? Nah, you're right, these are turning out bogus.

ASH: I think we're just pulling the wrong ones. We already had two sucky ones. Let's see. (they dig around in the bowl and pull one out, breaking it and handing it to Cinder while they read the fortune).

'About time I got out of that cookie'. Well, at least it knows! (they place it on the other plate). It's a somewhat good one ain't it?

CINDER: Yeah, I guess.

ASH: Gotta take what you can.

CINDER: We do have a bowl full of them! I can't believe they let us have all of this.

ASH: Alright. You grab one!

CINDER: Well, you're the one on the lucky street though.

ASH: Fine. (they grab another fortune and repeat the process). Ahem. 'Ignore previous cookie'. Well, that's contradicting as shit. I'm doing another! (they grab one more, hand it to Cinder to eat, and read the fortune). 'You look pretty'.

CINDER: Is the cookie flirting with you?

ASH: Good pile! (they place it on the good plate)

CINDER: (takes a cookie) 'Ask not what your fortune cookie can do for you but what you can do for your fortune cookie'. Yeeeah. Alright. The hell am I doing for this cookie? (he laughs and places it on the good plate).

ASH: (takes another) 'When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out - because that's what's inside'. Huh...

CINDER: Maybe we should head somewhere else?

ASH: I guess. Let's go.

Our scene changes as the two get up and head to their big truck. The two are truckers and traveling with a big gas tank in the back. They hop in and quickly get onto the highway. Ash is driving while Cinder sits in the passenger seat eating some snacks.

CINDER: That really fucking sucked.

ASH: I know.

CINDER: Well, where are we going to now?

ASH: Delivering this gas.

CINDER: Really??

ASH: Duh.

CINDER: We don't have any more time do we?

ASH: Noope.


ASH: Yeah.

CINDER: So now what?

ASH: Drive I guess?


ASH: Turn on the radio?

CINDER: I guess. (he leans over and turns on the radio to station 4.17)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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