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He spoke of their tribe's history, one she'd learnt in a more watered down form when she was younger, and was amazed by the detail in his stories. He also spoke of their tribe's true nature as spirit warriors, beings tasked with defeating their biggest threat; the cold ones.

It was like one big ghost story to her, and despite its clearly metaphorical nature, she couldn't help but listen in intently. Everyone else seemed to be doing the same, and though time was definitely passing them by, the whole experience of storytelling felt like it only lasted for five minutes.

Nelly found herself wanting more when Billy closed his tales, commenting on how we must harness the energy of the spirit warriors in our daily lives. And though that part was over, the council meeting was still far from finished judging by the way everyone began to stick around and chat amongst themselves.

She made a mental note to avoid the area near the barbecue, because that was where the Ateara boy, Seth Clearwater, and Embry Call took up residence after the stories, and instead started heading in the direction of the Connweller girl.

Like she almost anticipated it, Kim was already turning in Nelly's direction even before she came to a stop right in front of her. "How's Tate?" was the first thing Kim asked, a little concern in her own eyes over Nelly's brother's well-being.

"Grandma says it's the flu, but it should pass in a couple of days," she told the girl, and out of her peripheral she noticed how Jared and Paul were intently staring at her. So, she turned to them with a tight lipped smile, unsure of just why they were staring like she was some puzzle they couldn't solve. "Some stories, huh?"

"You don't even know the half of it," Jared laughed, just before Paul's elbow lodged its way into the boy's ribcage. His laughter faltered into a pained yelp, shaking his head. "What'd you think of it, Nell?"

Nelly smiled at him as she shrugged. "Actually, it was pretty cool," she told him honestly, "there's lots of symbolism to unpack in his stories."

"Symbolism?" Paul parroted back with a quirk of his brow.

She scoffed out a laugh. "Well, wolves and spirit warriors and cold ones aren't real," she said, like it was common sense. "They've gotta be symbols of something else, or something to make us look at the bigger picture."

"Riiiiight," was Paul's response, and Nelly wasn't foolish enough to miss the uneasy glance that the two boys shared.

Her eyes instantly narrowed. "Sorry that you failed English Lit and I didn't, Lahote," she snapped, thinking that the boy was trying to poke fun at her.

His hands were immediately raised in defence. "First of all, I didn't flunk it because I got a C," he retorted, a rising heat in his tone that mimicked his rising agitation, "and second of all, I think if anyone's missing the bigger picture around here, it's you."

It felt like the embers from the bonfire were licking at her neck, making her sweat with something unkind simmering under his skin, like an itch.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that—"

"Woah!" a voice interjected, and there was suddenly a body standing in the middle of the two teenagers that had subtly moved closer, both with their fists scrunched up. Though the body was facing Paul, she knew who it was based on their towering height and intimidating aura. "Knock it off, Paul!"

𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌, embry call ✓Where stories live. Discover now