New Girl

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Dave clicks the drumsticks together a few times before hitting the drums with force. Alex stands by the corner playing his bass which he can barely see thru his fringe and he eyes Graham from to time to make sure they are on the same page musically.

A subdued Graham is playing guitar heavily according to the song and Damon, well he's the singer who's stood in the middle lending his sweet voice to the song with full energy as it's the second last song of their practice session today.

They've been going at it for a while now, about 45 minutes. Damon kneels down and catches his breath. Graham does the same but he throws himself on the sofa and he's sweaty.

"go on! take a break now! Before the last song" Kate, who's a part of their management team suggests this. The boys agree.

They share a look with their audience which is basically their manager, a friend of the manager and a friend of a friend of manager and so on. There's a lot of people and the boys happen to know a few of them.

Graham is covering half of the sofa and he refuses to leave his comfortable position for Alex so he ends up sitting on the ground next to Damon. Dave is the last one to come, he sits on the sofa handle.

He sighs, "It's 3 O clock! we were supposed to be done by 2...Now I have to invite her directly over here then we will go to my flat. God, this is going to be tiring, I'll have to help her unpack her suitcases and knowing her she probably brought a lot of stuff that she doesn't even need-"

"Who?" Damon interrupts.

Dave shares a look with this bandmate, "You forgot? My cousin! Y/n! She's moving in with me and she's coming to London, and here, today for the first time!"

Graham shoots up with an excited look on his face, "Oh lovely!"

"The y/n who's broke, right?" Alex confirms and Dave nods.

"You never mentioned a y/n-" Says Damon.

"I did!" Dave replies.

"Yeah, he did actually" Alex seconds him.

Graham adds on, "Yes he has mentioned y/n about 5 times this week! "

"She must be here any minute now, I'll go check downstairs!" Dave gets up and leaves the boys alone to discuss and wait.

"She's coming! Did you hear Dave! He said she must be getting here any minute now! Dave's new flatmate, y/n" Graham exclaims.

Damon let out a sigh which conveys annoyance, "Why are you hyperventilating out of excitement for this y/n girl?" He says in a joke-y tone.

Alex chuckles, "It's because they shagged in the past-"

"What!? " Damon is in disbelief.

"Piss off!" Graham gives Alex a look.

"I mean they have a past, Graham and y/n-" Alex explains.

Damon turns over to Graham with a cheeky and curious grin on his face, "What is he on about, Graham?"

Graham sighs in response and his eyes twitch a bit as he goes over old memories, "Well- as you lot know I went back to my town for a year when I was 19 and that's when we met. She used to work at this L'Amour cafe as a waitress and I'd go there everyday to try and get her number"

"But you were a coward and you never got her number." Alex finishes his sentence.

Damon laughs out loud, "Typical, Gra!"

Graham rolls his eyes.

"That's not what happened." He folds his arms and looks away from the boys who are still laughing about it.

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