❥the lady with the camera

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Today is the next real concert of the eurovision your already dressed and ready so you go to joosts door so you guys can walk together
You knock no reponse?
You knock again and he answers

And walks out
"hi y/n"
"hi joost"you say back
"lets go"he says

You make it to malmo and wait till your turn
Its finnaly your turn and you go on and do amazing

Once all of you had done your performances you started getting interveiwed immediatly
You went with nemo to a reporter

Then you see joost walking away you didnt know where he was going but somone was filming him the person with the camera was saying things but you couldnt hear them then joost said something as he pushed the camera away

Nemo says"is everythink okay y/n? What are you looking at"
"Oh nothing sorry"
You decide to stop looking what was happening to pay attentention the the interveiwer

You look back just to see what happend and joost and the person with the camera had disappeared
You were a bit confused but decided to ignore it

After the interviewer is gone you go find joost and baby lasagna you find baby lasagna but no joost neither one of you can find him you decided to just walk back together thinking that he had just gone back by himself

When you get back you both go knock on his door
No reply
You knock again
No reply
You knock one last time
No reply

"That's weird ?"you say confused
"Yea it is he can't still be at the arena can he? Maybe he went out"baby lasagna says confused aswell
"Probably let's not worry about it anyways I'll see you tomorrow"

You go back to your room figuring he would be back sooner or later

The next morning
You wake up first thing and go knock on joosts door again
No reply?
You knock again and finally someone answer its joost but he look really tired like he had go no sleep or something
"Hey joost where we you last night ?"
He doesn't reply
"Are you okay??"
"Yea I'm fine"joost say quietly and faintly
"Okay well I'm going to be in my room all day if you need me"

He shuts the door

Your really worried not really knowing what's going on you figure maybe it's something to do with that lady with the camera?

Joost klein x y/n ||eurovision fanfictWhere stories live. Discover now