New space

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Jake and Sunghoon wandered into the living room, sitting down on the couch with Heeseung, who was definitely moping a little bit. 

"Why are you sad, hyung?" Jake looked over at Heeseung, worried. The oldest didn't answer for a moment, not really wanting to. 

"I'm not sad" Heeseung answered. He wasn't really but he was feeling a little cramped. As much as he said it was fine for him to share with Jake and Sunghoon, he was nearing his fourteenth birthday and his first year in high school but was still sharing with middle school kids. 

"Then what's the problem?" Sunghoon leaned closer to him, invading Heeseung's personal space. 

"Well...I just think maybe we're all getting a little old to still be in the same room but I don't know how to tell hyung that" Heeseung admitted. Jake and Sunghoon leaned back into the couch, thinking for a minute. 

"I know! What if we put a curtain up around one part of the room?" Sunghoon suggested. The other two looked at him confused on how that would solve anything.

"You'd still be in the same room as us but if we rope off your part of the room with a curtain, it'd be like having your own room and you wouldn't have to burden hyung with anything!" Sunghoon explained. Heeseung nodded, that was actually a good idea.

"But we need a curtain and a rod" Sunghoon added. Heeseung got up, grabbing his emergency phone, house key and the card that Jay had given him when he turned thirteen.

"We're not allowed to leave the house without telling Jay-hyung" Jake reminded him, getting up anyways and following Heeseung out of the house. 

"What hyung doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, we'll only be gone for a little while. He probably won't even notice" Heeseung responded.

"Oh yeah, he definitely won't notice the maknaes home alone" Sunghoon rolled his eyes and then they all stopped walking and turned to each other.

"The maknaes!?" Heeseung ran back, getting Sunoo, Jungwon and Niki and bringing them out too. 

"What are we doing?" Niki held his hands up to Jake, who picked him up on his back as they walked. Jungwon decided he wanted the same and clung to Heeseung and Sunoo had no choice after Sunghoon practically forced the younger to climb on his back so that each of the older kids was carrying one of the younger kids. 

"Just going for a walk" Jake answered, innocently. It wasn't exactly a lie; they were walking to the store. He just didn't feel like saying why they were because the chances of one of the maknaes telling Jay were far too high.

"To the furniture store?" Sunoo didn't believe that one bit. He was ignored completely. Once they finished at the store, all six boys went back and the older three started on their little project, taking full advantage of Jay's absence for the day. 

"Don't drop the rod, Hoonie" Heeseung ordered, trying to work quickly to get the curtain rod secured in place.

"I'm not going to but can you hurry up a little? I'm not tall like you" Sunghoon readjusted the curtain rod again, struggling a little to hold it up. Heeseung finished as quickly as he could and Sunghoon finally was able to let go. The three of them stood back to admire their handiwork. 

"What is that?!" Jay walked in, stopping when he saw what they had done. Heeseung spun around, unable to come up with a proper excuse. 

"It's Heeseung-hyung's room!" Sunoo answered, peeking out from behind Jay's legs. 

"It's...what?" Jay was surprised. He had been trying to think of ways to give his oldest charge more privacy but this was had never crossed his mind to try before. 

"This way you don't have to worry about trying to find a bigger house! I got my own room now and I'll still be close to these two if they need anything" Heeseung motioned to Jake and Sunghoon.

"Hey!" Jake pouted.

"We don't need anything from you" Sunghoon retorted. Heeseung stuck his tongue out at both of them, making Jay smile a little. It was nice to see them so playful with each other. 

"Alright, well just be careful. I don't want anyone getting hurt" Jay turned to leave, tugging Sunoo along behind him. Heeseung gave him a thumbs up and finished tying up the curtains and redecorating his space. 

"It looks amazing, hyung" Jake complimented, admiring the space. Heeseung knew it was amazing and he was proud of his brothers for thinking of it and helping him set the whole thing up.

"Let's go prank the maknaes?" Heeseung suggested, looking at his younger brothers.

"Yeah" Sunghoon and Jake nodded and the three of them went to get supplies from the kitchen to prank Jungwon, Sunoo and Niki. It was worth it, even if they did get in trouble. 


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