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I woke up with another splitting headache, again. This makes it the fifth one this week. I woke up to the sounds of loud screams down the halls within my apartment complex. I wobble as I go to stand up from laying on the floor. "How did I get here?'' I ask myself out loud, unknowingly. After looking around the room I notice a small pool of blood on the floor where I just was moments ago. Rushing to the bathroom I quickly turn the lights on to find where it had come from, big mistake. "Ouch, the lights are brighter than usual!" I shut the lights back off and hold my head with both hands.

This was an unusual morning. I let my eyes regain focus and found it was much easier to see with the lights off, I walk to the mirror on the wall and check for any signs of where the blood may have come from. That's when I notice two small holes on the side of my neck. "What? Where did these come from? What happened last night, I can't remember a thing!" I grab some hand towels to clean up the blood still dripping slowly from the gaping holes my neck. I soak the towels in some water to clean off my neck and then cover the wounds with bandaging. Once I was patched up, I wander into my bedroom to get dressed for the day. It was a cold day, so I've reached into my dresser for a pair of my usual black leggings and a tank top. But I need to hide the bandages, so I rummage through my dresser and grab a hoodie. "Hope no one will notice this..."

I trail off my thoughts as soon as I hear a knocking on my door. "Oh great, what now I wonder..." Walking through my apartment from my bedroom to the front door, I peep through the looking hole. Opening the door, I smile softly, "Hello Mr. Markus." "Oh, please call me Andrew, Stacy" Andrew Markus, he was a neighbor of mine, has lived in this building for almost 7 years now, as long as I have been living here, his bright sky-blue cold eyes, so enticing. Short choppy dark hair, strong facial features, a jawline that can cut diamonds, six foot and five inches tall. A man any women would fall for. "What can I do for you this fine morning?" I ask kindly. "I was just checking in on you. Seemed a little out of its last night when you came home with some strange man following you inside." He gave me a reassuring smile once he had seen a confused look on my face. "I just wanted to make sure, is all. A lot of loud bangs came from here and then silence." He peeked around me to see if anything was damaged. "Nah, I am fine, thank you. Just a headache, I can't seem to remember what happened last night either..." Andrew noticed the small blood pool on the floor, however. "Are you sure you're alright?" I look over and remember I hadn't cleaned the floor yet, "I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know. Thanks Mr. Markus...I mean, Andrew." We smile at one another before he went off and I closed and locked the door behind me.

I gather some cleaning supplies to clean up the mess on the floor and look around. "If a man was here with me last night.... where did he go, and who was it?" I ponder for a while, unable to remember anything. A quick realization came, I was at the bar last night! The stranger must have put something in my drink to intoxicate me further and convince me to have him come home with me. I look around my apartment to see if anything was broken or stolen, but there was nothing out of place or missing. What an odd robber the stranger must be. That is when I notice one of my windows were open and the screen cut out, "He must have gotten out this way...but I live on the third floor how is that possible? There is no way without being hurt from that fall?" I look around outside my window to see if maybe there was a ladder or something he could have used to get down with, but there was nothing. "Something's not right..." Just then my phone started to ring. When I looked at my phone, I noticed the caller ID was unknown, "Hello...?" I hesitate to reply. "You have one month until the transformation is complete." Just then the call ended. "Huh? That was month for what to happen?" At that moment I started to panic.

Chapter One

My name is Stacy MikVergins. I am 25 years old, living on my own in Upstate New York. As for how I look. I suppose I should mention I'm of European decent, but more tanned than most in my family. My hair is waist length and curly, the color as red as the deepest Gala apple. My eyes an emerald green, Five foot, three inches tall. Average body type. Today was a particularly stressful day for me, with the wounds on my neck and having to go out into public for work and grocery shop afterwards. I had no idea how to keep this hidden all day. Let alone how to tell my best friend Kelly Murray about the weird marks on my neck and how my morning was trying to figure out what happened. Maybe she knew what happened last night at the bar?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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