God made this world,
He knew fully what it would become,
And He hurt.
God hurt.But God did not leave,
God did not "escape"
He held on,
He holds on.God watches over the world as it is,
And He has a plan for all of it,
As hard as it is to see,
Because we cannot see.This is why we must come to Him,
The Lord of all sight has created us,
To see in Him,
That we might not need to escape.And so, I escape,
By release.I do not escape by leaving,
But instead by releasing,
I release it to God,
And I release it to you:I release it in my writing,
Which God has given me,
A gift to free,
To free me from fear.My escapism, is not a world only of fantasy,
But the world I imagine is a very real one inside me,
Where God has gifted me freedom,
Where I can proclaim God over all my fear.
I am Escapism.
ActionYou know you are ready to transcribe an idea when you've begun to live in it.