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looks like something new dropped into town, if i were b and s i would be nervous. looks like there's a new it-girl around here.

gossip girl

"i'm sorry summer, you know if your father and i would be there if we could." my mom said as i ran around our new penthouse.

"it's fine mom, i'll just call you two later and tell you how it went." i grabbed my bag.

this would be a normal day in my house: both parents gone in some meeting, me scrambling to do anything, and my older brother is another country doing whatever he wants. but, today was the first day of my senior year. it was also my first day living in new york full time.

i had gone to a boarding school my whole life, and i liked it that way. it was just my closest friends and me doing whatever we pleased. i could fly wherever i wanted at a drop of a dime.

my parents run one of the largest clothing brands in the world, beaufort. it's been around since the victorian era. my parents wanted to move to new york so i can be closer to the offices. they thought it would be easier for me to start working on their new line. or i guess mine. it also doesn't look good when your child graduates from a boarding school that you've never even seen before.

my chauffeur, charlie, pulled up to the school. "have a good first day winter." he always called me winter, i used to laugh when i was a kid at it because my name is summer and winter is opposite to summer.

"thanks charlie, i'll try." i flashed him a smile before i got out of the car.

i knew right as i walked up the steps at constance and st jude that everyone was looking at me. i was an outsider to them, and i knew that was going to happen. i just hadn't expected to be stared at my whole walk into the administration.

"hi im here to get my schedule. my name is summer beaufort." i said politely to the blonde lady sitting at the desk.

"oh yes miss beaufort, welcome to constance billard. it's an honor to meet you." she handed me the paper. i just smiled at her. that's what my parents taught me to do. they told me that was normal for people like us.

i somehow made it to lunch. i met these two girls, blair and serena. they were best friends. serena was nicer. but blair complimented my clothes. they invited me to eat with them on the steps at the met with their friends from st jude.

"summer what are you doing tomorrow night?" serena asked me as we sat down.

"um nothing, i think." i opened my bag.

"oh then you have to come to my party then." blair said excitedly. "i'll text you the details."

three guys came and sat down, around blair's so called "minions".

"everyone this is summer beaufort. she transferred in from a boarding school in connecticut." summer introduced me to everyone.

"im chuck bass." he had black hair, matching eyes. i knew his family owned one of the hotels in the area, i stayed there while our penthouse was being redone a few years ago.

some guy said his name, but i forgot right after he said it. i know it started with a d. but then one of the most gorgeous guys i had ever seen sat down next to me. "i'm nate archibald." he stuck his hand out.

"summer." i smiled and returned his handshake. he had almost brunette hair and dark blue eyes. his last name sounded familiar, probably some politician or something.

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