Knock Knock, Who's There?

222 11 223

Uhhhgh I feel so baddbdb cries
-June 5th

-June 9th


"Oh my stars, what are you doing with that." A light blue haired male covers his face with his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose. In front of him was his cousin, who had a darker shade of blue as his color. He stood tall while the other was slightly hunched over, holding a cane. Despite being shorter than his cousin, he appeared taller due to the other's issues with posture. "Ehehehe! Don't you want it?" The navy haired adult grins, holding up a pink pig plushie. "No, Neptune, I don't." Uranus sighs, leaning down onto his cane, adjusting his glasses with his available hand. Neptune frowns, shrugging. "I want it." They admit, throwing the toy into the cart he acquired.

Uranus shakes his head, averting his gaze elsewhere. "Titania? Where'd you go?" He calls out, raising his brow as he didn't see the teenager anywhere. A few groans were heard as Titania moved from the isle she was at, looking at Uranus from down the aisle. "Next aisle. I'm watching the younger ones with Triton, and everyone else is in the food section." The girl plays with her shirt, covering her wrists. She wore fingerless gloves and short sleeves. It was a particularly odd combo, especially in this harsh weather. Uranus forms a 'o' with his lips, clearing his throat as he gives her the signal to do whatever she pleases. The teen shuffles back behind the aisle, leaving Uranus and Neptune in the toys section.

"Mate, why're we even here?" Ura' questions, picking up a small blue dinosaur plush. "Because, cousin, you've been so not happy lately, so I wanted to cheer you up!" Neptune giggles, snatching the dinosaur from Uranus and tossing it into the cart. The cart had a few things in it, alongside the toys. "Oh my days- These kids are gonna think it's my idea, and they're gonna hate me more cause they want a phone so bad and I haven't gotten them one yet; but I have the time and patience to go to Target for some bloody toys I won't need." Ura' grumbles, placing his hand on the blue dino, removing it from the shopping mobile.

He reaches for the pig plush, just for Neptune to take it from his sight. "I want this." The latter deadpans, pouting. Uranus stays silent for a few seconds before shrugging and muttering a quick. "Okay." He sighs, moving away from the toys with his cane. He ambles down the aisle, scanning the shelves while Neptune skids on the cart, nearly falling over with the mobile. Uranus shakes his head, exiting the toy section. He eyes Titania, motioning for her to follow as they were heading away from this section of the store. Titania and Triton stare at one another before they gather the younger children and follow their respective guardians.

"I really do need t'get them a phone, don't I?" Uranus quips, his eyes lingering on a worker aiding someone with their phone. Neptune hums, skating down on the marble floors. "Mayhaps." He replies sweetly, blinking slowly. Uranus glanced at the other male, clacking his cane on the floor. "That doesn't help me, mate." He mumbles, scratching his arm. Honestly, he didn't appreciate the summer heat. Uranus was afraid of getting a heat rash, and the exposure of his pale skin made him feel insecure.

Albeit, he always had his cousin there to help him. Uranus tugs at his medium lengthed sleeve, wishing it went down further. He exhales softly, following Neptune roll down to another clothing section. They could overhear the conversation between Titania and Triton behind him. However, Uranus was respectful, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He was snapped from his thoughts when Neptune shoved two shirts in his face.

"Wha-" He started to read what the shirts had said, sighing. One shirt read 'LOOK AT THE BADDIE I PULLED FROM BEING AUTISTIC' while the other said 'I'M THE BADDIE'.

Ura' stares at the shirts. "We're not getting these." They stated, moving the shirts from his view and glaring at Nep'. The latter whines. "But, I want them! We could match!" He smiles, putting them back in his eyesight. Caelus grumbles, moving them to the side again. "No. Do you even know what it says?" They exclaimed, leaning into his cane. Poseidon blinked, nodding. "Well, yeah? I wouldn't ask if I couldn't read it." He trailed off, tilting his head. "We're still not getting it." Caelus taps his cane rests, trying to ignore the exposure of his skin.