●{the moment we met}●

85 3 2

Underage drinking
Obsessive fyodor
Slight abuse(not alot tho)
A bit of cursing
Please read the warning before you continue the story and thx!

This is also a one-sided fyozai story, and dazai is the one that hates fyodors guts btw:3




After another suicid3 attempt, dazai found himself in the hospital for the 26th time this month.
(Dazai's POV) tsk, the attempt was a failure again... m0ri promised he would find a way for me to die easily without feeling pain! Such a big jerk! it's been 3 years(when he was 14)since he made that promise.

Dazai met m0ri when he was 14 after an attempt of suicide, which sadly didn't succeed. And those times were the worst, in fact that moment was the moment his life became a living hell.

(Flashback to !15 dazai)

(15!Dazai) "Chibiii when are you gonna stop ignoring me huhhh"
(15!Chuuya) "for God's sake please be quiet mackerel, we're on a mission here!"

Dazai and chuuya were on a mission to find a rat, of course chuuya was focused on the mission but dazai was bored out of his mind, all he wanted was to be with chuuya to annoy him. Dazai didn't really care about the mission or the rat.

(15!Dazai) "cmon chibi this isn't all serious like other missions, were just looking for a rat right?"
(15!Chuuya) "this is a VERY serious mission mackerel! That "rat" is the same person that killed TWO of our executives yk!"
Now that was news to dazai, he had no clue that "rat" was a person and he didn't know two executives died because of the so called "rat" now this was getting interesting.

(15!Dazai) "well you should have told me earlier chibi maybe then would I actually listen to your advice(though I probably wouldn't either way)"
(15!Chuuya) "Shhh"

Dazai then noticed a person walking around the abandoned library they found.

(15!Dazai whispered) "who's that?"
(15!Chuuya whispers back) "I don't know but he looks similar to the "rat" m0ri talked about."

The person walking around had beautiful dark hair that was probably to his shoulders, and it was also messy(not as messy as dazai lol) and surprisingly, pretty dark purple eyes. He also had eye bags under his eyes.

Then when dazai woke up from his thoughts, he saw the person (rat) right in front of his face.

Dazai was a little surprised so he jumped away from the book shelf he was hiding at.

( ☆ ) "woah there, don't worry I won't hurt you or your little friend there."

{Wait what!} Dazai looked around for chuuya and saw him knocked out on the floor, dazai was shocked to see chuuya knocked out so easily.

(15!Dazai) "What did you do to him!" Dazai shouts. But then he noticed the person was frowning in annoyance.

( ☆ ) "huh you still didnt notice that he was knocked out until now?" the person scoffed.
( ☆ ) "consider yourself lucky, because I'm feeling generous ill let you leave alive, but as for your little friend here, i don't think he'll be leaving alive as you are." He smiled unsettlingly.

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