Chapter 12: The Panther's Fury

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The small trio were still in the maintenance room, and they still heard the sounds of Vanessa and the other animatronics ( mainly Freddy and Roxanne ) arguing. Mim was trying to ignore the yelling and Voyd's words as they held the hold whistle he gave them in their hands. Gregory and Cassie were doing their best to remain calm and comfort their friends, but the arguing outside the room was only getting louder by the second.

Glamrock Freddy: ( off-screen: ) Roxanne, you're just being irrational! We should just scrap that thing before it could cause any trouble.

Mim's eyes widened when they heard that and Gregory was stunned by it, while Cassie just lowered her head and balled up her fists as Freddy's words had made her blood boil.

Roxanne: ( off-screen, yells: ) DON'T YOU DARE LAY A CLAW ON CASSIE!

Mim: ( silently, as they tightened the grip on the gold whistle: ) I'm not Cassie... Why-

Cassie: Blow the whistle, Mim.

Mim and Gregory quickly turned their heads to Cassie in surprise.

Gregory: What? But Cassie, we don't even know if that Voyd guy isn't trying to trick us!

Cassie: You heard Freddy! He wants Mim, scrapped! It's either taking this risk, or Mim's life! I don't want to lose our friend again, Gregory! We have no choice. Please, Mim, blow the whistle.

Mim glanced at the whistle in their hands with hesitation before they looked up at her friends, Cassie was giving her a pleading look with tears in her eyes while Gregory, despite not trusting Voyd's words, gave Mim a nod.

Mim: ( takes a deep breath ) Okay, I'll do it...for you guys.

Mim slowly put the whistle in their mouth before they blew into the whistle, the whistle made no sound, but as soon as Mim blew it, a snap was heard and Voyd appeared in front of the three kids.

Voyd: ( with his usual smile: ) Hello, friends! I'm so glad that you've decided to take my offer. Now, it will take some time for me to get everything ready, but, not to fear, it won't take long. So for now, let's take you three somewhere safe, so that terrible Freddy doesn't try anything.

Voyd then quickly scooped Mim, Gregory, and Cassie up into his arms as if they all had physical bodies, which confused the heck out of two ghost kids.

Gregory: What the fuck?!

Voyd just chuckled before he snapped his fingers, and within a blink of an eye, they teleported out of the maintenance room a minute before Vanessa and the Glamrocks entered the room to find Mim gone.

Roxanne: Cassie? ( Frantically glances around the room: ) Where's Cassie?!

( With Voyd, and the small trio )

Voyd teleported himself and the three kids in his arms into the hidden room and gently placed them down on the floor. The room's doors were shut and the machinery around the portal-like void was now glowing a faint purple, causing Cassie and Mim to look at it in awe while Gregory....

Gregory: Okay, this looks like some twisted Doctor Who shit.

Voyd: ( chuckles ) ( to Mim, with a sad, loving smile as he placed his hand on her cheek: ) Now, I'm going to be gone for a few minutes to get something done before I send you three to your new home. So, don't touch anything until I come back, but I promise you that I shall keep my promise to you lovely children. ( To Cassie, with his usual smile: ) Oh, by the way, Cassie, I hope you like roller skates.

Cassie: What?-

Voyd just snaps his fingers and disappears, leaving Cassie and her friends confused.

Gregory: Is it just me or does that guy give off Cheshire cat vibes?

( Meanwhile, with Glamrock Freddy )

Glamrock Freddy was walking to the security office to check on Vanessa on progress on finding Mim while the other animatronics were searching the Plex, but when he opened the door all he found was another Glamrock Freddy standing over the now deceased Vanessa. Freddy gasped at the sight before his eyes widened when the bloodied version of himself transformed into a tall panther-like humanoid with gold eyes and wearing a suit, the blood that were once on his claws disappeared during the transformation.

Voyd: ( to Glamrock Freddy, bittersweetly: ) Hello, friend. I'm so happy to finally meet you.

Glamrock Freddy: W-Who are you? Why did you-

Voyd: The name's Voyd. And I killed your little guard because she's the reason why the Mimic even got the chance to kill those three children, and I framed you for her death because you are the one that threatened sweet little Mim's life.

Glamrock Freddy: ( angrily: ) You're protecting the Mimic-

Voyd: ( at Freddy, with a growl and a bloodthirsty look in his eyes: ) Don't you dare try giving me that attitude, bear. ( With a twisted smile: ) Because once Mim goes through the portal in that room within the warehouse, a fake, destroyed version of Mim shall appear in this room, and the others shall see and believe that you killed them both. Oh, I will happily watch as you get ripped apart piece by piece by Roxanne and I shall have your conscious watched as your little group slowly fall apart for the pain you put Mim through just... because...of...who... ( Shouts, angrily: ) THEY WERE MADE OUT OF!!!

As Voyd shouted at Freddy, he slashed his claws at the animatronic mascot's face, leaving a scratch mark on the bear's face. Glamrock Freddy fell onto the ground, landing on his butt as Voyd stood over him.

Glamrock Freddy: ( to Voyd, with fear in his eyes: ) W-Why... Why did you...

Voyd: ( to Freddy, with a cold glare and a hint of sadness in his eyes: ) In all my years of living, it isn't very often that I get pissed off. I have tried to chill with the stars above, but damn you and this universe has crossed the line. I've been so gracious, blessing you all with my night sky, but yet you harm the child of mine. ( With tears in his eyes: ) That's right! That child whose face the mimic has striped from and the child this place has abused, is mine.

Glamrock Freddy: W-what-

Voyd just pinned Freddy to the ground by stepping on his chest with one foot, the claws on his feet dugged into the metal as the panther-like creature glared down angrily at the robot with fury and grieve in his golden eyes.

Voyd: Now, I'm left without a choice, and without a doubt! Guess this universe is dealing with the King of the stars, galaxies, and chaos now. I'm gotta make all of you bleed, I will see you drown. But before I send my child and their friends to where they'll be safe, I need to make sure you know who you're messing with. ( Chuckles darkly ) I mean, you all could've avoided all of this if you just treated my Mim right, ( a bit mockingly with a glare: ) but no... You went too far, your threats have a price. And I've got no mercy left to give. Goodbye, Glamrock Freddy.

Voyd then quickly changed his demeanor back to his normal and calm demeanor as his usual charming smile returned on his face before he snapped his fingers and disappears, leaving Glamrock Freddy stunned and horrified by what had just happened.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what your reaction was to Voyd revealing who Mim was and why he framed Freddy.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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