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The morning sun had barely begun its ascent when you woke up, the alarm on your phone blaring insistently. Panic set in as you realized you had overslept. Without a moment to waste, you hurriedly dressed, grabbed your bag, and rushed out the door, barely managing to call out a hurried "Good morning" to Kageyama who was adjusting his backpack in the driveway.

"Hey, wait!" Kageyama called after you, his voice laced with concern.

You turned briefly, offering a quick wave. "Sorry, I'm late! See you later!"

The streets of Miyagi flew by as you made your way to Aoba Johsai, the familiar route feeling like a blur. Your heart raced, not just from the sprint but from the residual emotions of the past few days. Kageyama's concern had been evident, and despite the hurried morning, it warmed you to know he cared.

By the time you arrived at school, the hallways were bustling with students. You headed straight to your classroom, barely making it before the bell rang. As you slid into your seat, your mind drifted to the upcoming chess tournament. Preparation had been intense, and the weight of expectation hung over you like a storm cloud.

Aoba Johsai was renowned for its exceptional chess team, consistently dominating the prefecture. For the past two years, they had even made it to nationals, earning a reputation that made joining the team a fiercely competitive. Every member of the club was acutely aware of the high standards and the legacy they were expected to uphold.

After classes ended, you made your way to the chess club room. The room was spacious, filled with several tables, each hosting a game in progress. Chess boards were set up, and the walls were adorned with framed photos of past victories and annotated game diagrams from famous matches.

Your fellow club members were already deep in practice. Some were huddled over boards, replaying famous games from memory or exploring new openings. The air was filled with the soft clinking of pieces being moved, the quiet rustle of pages turning in strategy books, and the occasional murmur of analysis.

Akira, one of the top players and your close friend, waved you over. "Y/N, want to go over the Ruy Lopez opening again? I've been studying a new variation."

You nodded, grateful for the distraction. "Sure, let's do it."

You both sat down at a board and began to play, discussing each move in detail. Akira explained his thoughts on the variations he had studied, while you offered counterpoints and tested different responses. This back-and-forth was a common sight in the club, where collaborative learning and mutual improvement were highly valued. 

As the evening progressed, the two of you lost track of time. The club room gradually emptied, the other members packing up and heading home, leaving just the two of you behind. The intensity of your practice left you both exhausted, yet there was a sense of fulfillment in the air.

Realizing the time, Akira glanced out the window at the darkening sky. "It's gotten pretty late," he remarked, a hint of concern in his voice. "Let me walk you home, Y/N. It's not safe to be out alone at this hour."

You hesitated for a moment but then nodded, appreciating his consideration. "Thanks, Akira. I'd appreciate that."

The two of you packed up your chess pieces and boards, the silence of the empty school amplifying the quiet camaraderie between you. As you stepped outside, the cool night air greeted you, a stark contrast to the warmth of the club room. The streets were mostly empty, with only a few lights flickering in the windows of nearby houses.

Walking side by side, you and Akira fell into a comfortable conversation. The usual topics of chess strategies and upcoming tournaments were interspersed with lighter, more personal exchanges. You found yourself opening up about your thoughts and experiences, feeling a sense of ease in Akira's presence.

As you approached your neighborhood, the familiar sight of your house came into view. Akira slowed his pace, a contemplative look on his face. "Y/N, I just wanted to say... you're an incredible player. I really enjoy our practice sessions."

You smiled, touched by his words. "Thanks, Akira. I enjoy them too. You've helped me improve a lot."

He hesitated, as if weighing his next words carefully. "I... I hope we can keep this up, even after the tournament. I mean, not just the chess practice, but... spending time together."

Just as Akira finished speaking, you heard a familiar voice call out from across the street. "Y/N! Dinner's ready!"

You turned to see Kageyama standing at the door of his house, his expression unreadable. There was an edge to his voice that you couldn't quite place, but it seemed almost...jealous?

Akira glanced at Kageyama and then back at you, the momentary vulnerability in his eyes giving way to a guarded look. "I guess that's my cue," he said, forcing a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," you replied, feeling a mix of emotions as you watched Akira walk away. Turning back towards Kageyama, you noticed his gaze lingering on Akira's retreating figure before shifting to you.

You crossed the street and approached Kageyama, a hint of curiosity in your voice. "Hey, Tobio. What's up?"

"Nothing," he said a bit too quickly, his tone clipped. "Just thought you'd like to know dinner's ready."

You raised an eyebrow, sensing something was off. "Alright. Thanks for letting me know."

The tension between you lingered as you both made your way inside and settled down for dinner. Conversation was sparse, each of you lost in your own thoughts. The clinking of utensils against plates filled the silence, punctuated by the occasional murmured exchange between Kageyama's parents.

As the meal drew to a close, you exchanged a brief nod with Kageyama, a silent acknowledgment of the unresolved tension between you. With a quiet "goodnight," you retreated to your room, the weight of the evening's events heavy on your mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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