𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 a new 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎

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I was in my classroom like I usually am and was dozing off from the lesson. I was one of the quiet kids in the classroom. I didn't talk to anyone but the teacher when asked a question. I was alone all the time but I didn't care. I fell asleep before feeling a hand bang onto my desk.
"Mr. Lopez! Your supposed to focus! Not sleep! " said the teacher in an annoyed voice.
I jolt up in shock and groan.
I didn't want to be here to be honest. It was boring and terrible. The people at my school are just assholes who don't think a damn thing. But I was lucky to have the patience of my dad. I roll my eyes as my teacher scowled at me. I just listen quietly to them. I wasn't much of a person to care. I get up as they gasp like I killed a baby. They glare daggers at me and yelled at me.
"PRINCIPLES OFFICE RIGHT NOW YOUNG MAN! " the teacher yelled in anger. I smirked and left the classroom.
"Okay! Damn! You don't have to tell me twice! Jeez... Your insane... "
But I wasn't going to the Principals office oh hell no I'm going to skip my class for a while. I walked out the doors and ran off before any teachers could see me. I walked outside on the sidewalk and started to look for a place to hang out. The place that caught my eye was a forest. I smirk and my shoes made clicking sounds of my footsteps against the pavement. I walked into the forest. It was dark and gloomy even though it was sunny and joyful outside. I was confused how this was possible but shrugged it off.
"Probably safe then that mental asylum... " I said with sarcasm in my voice.
I walked deeper into the large labyrinth of trees. It got darker and darker the more I walked farther from home. I was starting to get scared as all I saw was A bog up ahead of me. Being the stupid person I was I walk into the bog. Everything was blinding me. I couldn't see or hear anything. Then I felt a tug at my arm and saw a bright light and got pinned against a tree. I was going to scream in anger and fear but my mouth got covered by a gloved hand. Their gloves were black and they look inhumanly tall. Then I heard laughing behind the tree as the person kept me pinned and heard two voices.
"You think he went here? " said a stranger.
"Oh you know it. I can tell from his footprints... " said another.
I didn't recognize them before I fell through something like a trap door and when I fell through it all I saw was light. I look at the thing I fell through and saw it closed. I start falling deeper and deeper through this hole of light. Then It faded to a midnight forest in the sky. I was falling from the sky and I hit my head on branches and my hoodie got ripped apart from the twigs catching onto my arms and legs. I finally hit the ground but then I hit my head on a rock and everything went dark. The last thing I heard was a growl noise that sounded like a wolf and a bear.

[Authors note: I was struggling today so I hope I don't disappoint any of you this is my first book but I tried my best so I hope you enjoy chapter one]
Word count: 558

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