𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚍 paralysis

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I was drifting to sleep since I was told to. I'm not used to this kind of stuff since I'm still confused who or what that man was doing to me in my sleep. It was sorta creepy but I couldn't see under that mask of his after he left. I woke up in a weird dream realm unable to move. I look around seeing a weird forest of pink and blue. I was confused at first, tried to move but failed. I then heard a twig snap. I try to move but couldn't. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see a snow White woman with a black eye. A black aura surrounded her as she looked at me with a hand on my shoulder. Then I looked at her up and down. I realize she wasn't fully human even though she didn't look like she was. She had four arms and four legs. She had floppy antennas like those Antennas from those animation memes that some people watch. I'm looking at you people and don't you dare say anything about it. I didn't know what to say even though I can't until she spoke in a motherly yet cold voice.
"Your having a dream you know... Me and my brother are giving you a dream of sleep paralysis... And think of whatever you want... It will come true here... " She looked at me with a smirk.
I didn't like it one bit. Even though Im not first to judge this spider woman seems like she'll kill me. I then felt a brighter presence. I look around to see another spider person but Black as coal with a white eye and aura around them. They seemed to be a man as well. He had a creepy appearance but seemed nice in a odd way.
"Call me... Yang.... " he said with a cold and creepy voice.
He seemed to be calm and less evil. I still tried to move and speak but couldn't. They smile at me as they both seemed to be the same person but opposite of each other. The spider woman ruffled my hair. What is it with everyone touching me? I don't understand why the Spider woman would dare touch me with one of her arms. I felt disgusted by being touched. She chuckled as if she heard my thoughts. Then Yang glared at her.
"Ying! Remember what the creator told us! If we touch him we get our ass beaten! " Yang yelled with anger and annoyance.
Ying looks at him with a snarl as she clung onto me. I was confused and discomforted.
"So? It's our job to make the guest happy... And he can have a lucid dream... " Ying said proudly as if the threat didn't bother her.
Yang wasn't very happy with the results of his sister being cocky.
"Ying! It's also my job to keep things at neutral! So let's just let them wake up! " he yelled with annoyance as the words of the creator hung in the air. I look at the two in confusion before Ying groaned as slapped me across the back of my head with one of her four arms. I wake up in pain as I still felt the slap. I look around until seeing my surroundings again. A room made out of oak wood and comfy blankets with some beanbags of different colors around the bed. I felt pain all through out my body. I forgot I fell into this new place and got wounded. I see my hoodie was all fixed up like it was brand new. I try to get up but I fall. Before I could hit the ground I felt a arm around my waist as I stare at the ground unharmed. I look up to see the man with his mask hiding only half of his face. His blue eyes stung with worry and concern. His pale skin shines like a ghost through the misty fall. I was shocked as I blush in embarrassment.
"What the hell do you think your doing Lucius?! Your not supposed to be awake yet... Your hurt still... It's only been an hour! I told those two to keep you distracted as I do business! " he said with annoyance slipping into his voice.
As he sets me onto the bed I saw his hood move like a tail. It was swaying back and forth with the paintbrush bristles. I kinda found it cute. He glared through half of his mask before putting it on fully.
"Oh come on I can't see your face? " I whined as I found him pretty hot.
He blush hard through his mask before leaving with embarrassment. I watch him leave then had a thought. What did he mean by "business"? And what about Ying and Yang distracting me? Was he planning to do something to me? Or something else? I had no clue but whatever it was. It was probably bad.

Word count: 835
Authors note; I had writers block. Write-block? Idk but I finally had an idea so here ya go

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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