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All Might was able to successfully defeat the big Nomu while the rest of the villains decided to retreat away seeing that with the number one hero here, there was a very small chance they would be able to succeed with this mission. 

"Damn it!" Shigaraki cursed under his breath as him and the rest decided to flee from the scene. 

"Is everyone okay?" All Might asked as he looked around to help those who had gotten injured, thankfully no one had just it seemed as though Aizawa and Midoriya were the only ones who needed to seek medical attention. 

Once the coast was clear, everyone gathered around while some more pro heroes came to the scene to make sure that no one else was hiding around maybe in one of the bushes. As the students were outside chatter amongst themselves about what had transpired inside the simulation Aizawa and Midoriya were taken away to a nearby hospital. 

"Will they be okay?" Uraraka asked.

"Kero, what are their conditions detective?"

Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi placed a Hand on his hip and closed his eyes letting out a deep sigh. "They'll be fine, they're injured, but its nothing that they can't handle."

"I can't believe we actually fought actual villains!" Mineta said, with sparkles in his eyes.

"It was kinda scary.." Jiro mumbled a deep purple aura surrounding her.

"All might!" The number one hero turned around as one of the workers inside doing a check in called him over, waving his hands, gesturing to come closer. "You may want to take a look at this."

"What's going on?" Midoriya asked as the students gathered around in a group seeing the hero and worker talking before frantically running back inside the simulation joint.

"I hope its nothing too serious.."

"This way." The worker said as he lead All might to the flood zone of the simulation, it was in the far back so it took awhile to get there as the worker started to talk. "We were checking out all the zones inside of this simulation, just so there weren't any sneaking villains around, but we stumbled upon something... or rather.. someone.. " The worker said as they arrived to a bit body of water. All might looked around for a bit before a group of other workers inside the water walked up to them near the shore. "I think you should take a look at this."

All might bent down as the workers moved out of the way to show a body floating in the water unconscious. His eyes widened for a bit as he looked closer. "This... who is this?"

"We're not too sure about that either.." The worker continued to speak as a stretcher was brought in and the body was placed on top of it. "They must have already drowned at this point, but we checked and they still have a heartbeat." 

All might furrowed his eyebrows a bit, a hand on his chin, deep in thought. "We believe that they might be around the same age at the students and well..." The worker said as the stretcher was placed down in front of all might from him to get a closer look at the student. 

"I see." All might said before getting up. "Take them to my office."

The workers looked at all night and nodded as they quickly took the stretcher with the body away. 


(Y/n) opened their eyes groggily, their body help exhausted as they stared into a bright light. Looking down, they looked to see they were in a bed, in a dark room with no windows except for a door. Looking down, their wrists were cuffed to the bars of the bed. Last thing they remembered was fighting some guy with weird colored hair before getting knocked out with a big block of ice

"You're awake."

(Y/n) turned around to see a figure standing and walking towards them. (Y/n)'s eyes hardened, their (e/c) colored eyes turning blood red as they bared their sharp teeth at the figure.

"Woah woah." All might walked out of shadows to make himself less intimidating. "Relax I'm not gonna hurt you little one."

(Y/n)'s eyes still glared at the number one pro hero, their eyes blood red as they still growled, baring their teeth as a self defensive mechanism. All might looked at  the villain in front of him. (H/c) hair with light blue highlights, sharp shark like teeth, small scars underneath the eyes, and a large shark tail that was connected to the lower back. (Y/n) growled at him and they felt a sense of danger.

All might smiled and made a pose. "Congratulations Young Villain for today is your lucky day!"

(Y/n) stopped for a bit and tilted their head in confusion. All Might let out a loud laugh, "For you have been accepted into our villain rehabilitation program!"

(Y/n)'s blood red eyes went back to their original (e/c) color as they tilted their head still in confusion as All might continued. "We found you unconscious at the USJ facility, and considering your age, you are not old enough to be sent to jail, so!" He let out another loud laugh, almost as if he was proud of himself, "Our lovely hero school called UA has a special program for people like you!" He said pointing at finger at (Y/n).

"A program we have made in order for younglings who have gone down the wrong path to have access to resources to help them become a better member of society and not continue in their villainous ways." All might continued facing the other direction as (Y/n) opened their jaw, their sharp teeth shining as they were ready to bite down on All might's finger. 

Before they could, All might quickly pulled his finger out, as (y/n) chopped down on nothing, their teeth making a 'chomp' noise. All might looked at (Y/n) again as he continued, "Ah! Isn't that wonderful! Helping the new generation of heroes! Even those who have chosen the wrong path, we allow them to have a safe space and relearn their villain ways." (Y/n) kind of just looked off into the distance as All might kept going on and on with his speech. Before they could tune his words out completely All Might looked at (Y/n) with a wide smile.

"So! Young hero to be! What do you say?"


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