Chapter 11

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A few days had passed since my talk with Bakugo and Izuku about them being my bonded humans—my humans. Things had settled into a new normal. Bakugo was a bit less harsh on Izuku, though his bullying tendencies didn't vanish entirely. I knew that, and I accepted it, as long as he never physically attacked him again.

Now, we're in homeroom class. Aizawa stands before us, looking as tired as always. "So today, we'll be doing something different. And before you ask, there's no test. You just need to choose a class representative."

This announcement definitely makes the class boisterous. After all, it's a chance for students to gain extra recognition. Excitement buzzes through the room as everyone starts discussing and nominating candidates.

I, on the other hand, remain indifferent. Leading the whole class isn't something that interests me—I've got enough responsibilities leading the kingdom with Goji. The thought of dealing with class politics and additional responsibilities doesn't appeal to me at all.

As the noise in the classroom escalates, I lean back in my seat, watching the chaos unfold. Names are being shouted, with people making cases for their friends or themselves. I glance at Izuku, who seems both eager and nervous, likely wondering if he should nominate himself or if anyone will nominate him.

Bakugo, surprisingly, seems less interested in the proceedings than I would have expected. Maybe our recent conversation has given him a bit more perspective on what truly matters.

As the nominations continue, I catch Aizawa's tired eyes glancing my way. He gives a slight nod, a reminder that while I might not be interested in leading the class, my role as a protector and ally is still crucial.

Deciding to stay engaged, I turn my attention back to the front of the room, ready to support whoever ends up representing us, even if I'm not the one in the spotlight.

Soon enough, Iida stands up and shouts, "Silence! The best way to go about this is to do a vote." His authoritative tone immediately hushes the class, and I raise an eyebrow in surprise. He's really shaped up, I think, smiling to myself. He might be a good leader.

There are a few grumbles, but in the end, the class agrees to Iida's suggestion. We're all given small pieces of paper to write down our choices. I look at the paper in my hand, sighing a little before writing Iida's name. He really appealed to me as a leader. While I've bonded with Izuku and Bakugo, they aren't the right candidates to lead the class—err, them.

As I fold my paper and wait for the others to finish, I glance around the room. Izuku looks thoughtful, undoubtedly considering his vote carefully, while Bakugo appears indifferent, though I catch him sneaking glances at the process. It's clear that even if he doesn't fully participate, he's still invested in what's happening.

Aizawa starts collecting the papers, and I hand mine in, feeling a sense of relief that this decision is out of my hands. Iida's organized approach and clear sense of responsibility make him a natural fit for this role, and I'm confident he'll do a great job representing the class.

As Aizawa begins to tally the votes, I take a moment to appreciate the dynamics of our class. Despite the challenges and differences, we're all part of something bigger, and choosing a representative is just one step in our journey together.

"Okay, so Midoriya is voted class representative, and Momo Yaoyorozu is chosen to be deputy representative," Aizawa announces tiredly. Poor Midoriya freezes in his seat, looking utterly shocked. "Huh?! Who voted for me?" he stammers. Even Bakugo stands up, shouting, "Okay, you bastards, who voted for him?"

I stifle a snort, and Bakugo hears it, sending me a look before settling back down. Kirishima, sitting beside him, chuckles. "What, you really think we would've voted for you?" he questions. I shoot Kirishima a glare, causing him to blanch and mutter, "S-sorry." I sniff, satisfied with his apology.

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