Chapter 1: The Secret App

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Adrift in the halls of Tri-County High School, Frankie Romano knew she had lost her mind. The school looked real enough, but then again, so did the other place. Critical thinking told Frankie that the other place couldn't have been real, just a bizarre dream. But in a way she couldn't explain, Frankie could still feel the other place in her bones. Ever since waking up, she'd felt off, her body as uncomfortable as a cheap Halloween costume. For now, Frankie was sure of only one thing: if by some miracle that other place wasn't just a dream then her life was about to change forever. There was only one way to find out.

Frankie sighed and glanced down at a wrinkled-up flier she'd been clinging to like a life raft. According to the flier, the Godsend Club met on the second floor in Room 213. As she stumbled her way up the stairs, Frankie could feel nervous sweat soak through her hoodie. Frankie hated talking, especially to strangers, a skill applauded in her toddler years. But as a teenage transfer student, her reservation wasn't exactly making her many friends. However, current circumstances necessitated Frankie abandon her comfort zone. Upon reaching Room 213, Frankie paused and took in a deep breath hyping herself up for human contact. Then very slowly she opened the door, peering in like a spy. Room 213 was nothing special as basic as classrooms come, just inspirational posters and Millennial math memes. Littered throughout the room were the club's members, six boys.

"Uhm, excuse me," Frankie croaked weakly, but the boys were deaf to her. One of them was passed out at a desk while the other five were furiously engaged in a card game. Like a lost ghost, Frankie drifted further into the room praying that someone would see her. As her view expanded Frankie spotted a grown man hunched over the teacher's desk snoring loudly. Then before she knew it one of the boys glanced up at her and without so much as a goodbye Frankie's soul fled her body.

"Uh, can I help you?" the boy asked. Instantly the room fell silent, all eyes locked on Frankie. Her confidence long gone English was quickly becoming a second language.

"Uh, yeah, I uh is this the uh-Godsend club?" Frankie mumbled. Sheepishly she held out the wrinkled-up flier like it were some holy object.

"Nah," one of the other boys said, his face as cheerful as a brick. In an instant, Frankie's heart sank.

"What? Uh yes, Spud it is," the first boy corrected, returning a shred of hope to Frankie's heart.

"Uh no Chuck, THIS isn't the Godsend club WE are the Godsend club," Spud smiled, visibly very proud of himself. Spud was a hefty kid, his blocky head protected by a helmet of fluffy hair. Wrapped around the boys neck like a cape was a blue hoodie branded with the school's mascot Kid Knight. Where most would have a watch instead Spud had two decrepit silly bands hanging onto his wrist for dear life.

"Sorry about Spud here. I wish I could say he's not usually like this but he is," sighed the first boy Chuck. Well-groomed with clothes that matched Chuck was a stark contrast to Spud who seemed to treat color theory like a challenge.

"Actually muh brain's still fried from anatomy. So usually I'm even more clevererer," Spud countered.

"Oh anatomy uh that sounds tough," Frankie said, hoping to make friendly conversation before her deranged question ruined the vibe.

"You're telling me! BARBARA! Had us dissecting feral cats! I mean what kind of Jeffrey Dhamer school are we going to!"

"Cats are demons! Devil spawn! They make Moderex look like my grandma," hissed a skeletal boy with thick glasses and a beat-up black hoodie.

"Timmy, Moderex does look like your grandma," Spud snickered, causing all the other boys to burst with laughter. As Moderex's image flashed in her mind even Frankie let out an involuntary giggle. One of the many creatures from the Godsend card game Moderex was an ugly demon who slept on a bed of skulls.

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