authors note

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Thank you so much to everyone reading this story!! Omg it means so much to me!

Before we get started

This is a TRUE STORY. These are events that have happened to ME! The start is bland but I'll try to avoid fluff and get through to the key parts as best as I can, but you may need to bear with me.

For privacy and safety, names of people have been changed, including my own. Locations of the school, and area are also changed, otherwise everything I write, including dialogue is true.

This is a LOVE STORY. Everyone says my relationship was a 'fairytale relationship' so I wanted to write abt it :)

Bit of a love triangle, and at times sticky situations. Bear with me please!!

There will be sexu@l content as it progresses. Also lots of cursing, and maybe inappropriate/crude humour. I wouldn't say there is smut, as we never did IT. haha.

Some confronting content about @buse, consent, homelessness, mental illness, drUgs, hOspitals etc. I will try to remember warnings at the start of each chapter! Xx

If you have questions, feel free to ask. I will try to answer when/if I can. Some questions I will not answer if I find them too difficult to respond to without giving a lot away.

The format of this is a biography-style thing. So it's me reflecting on the times (it'll make sense once you read) Chapters will be titled according to the months they occurred in. So eg. Jan I, Jan II, you know what I mean?

apparently i give good love and crush advice so if you need some lmk! or just advice on anything haha. love using my personal experiences to help people out!! 

Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy reminiscing on the memories!

All my love xoxo

When Forever Falls Apart - A Love Story Based On True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now