6: Revolving Worlds

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Hongjoong sat alone in the dimly lit corner of the bakery, a chocolate mousse cake untouched before him. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, each thought crashing against the next like waves against jagged rocks.

Regret weighed heavy on his heart, a suffocating presence that threatened to consume him whole. How had he allowed himself to be blind to Wooyoung's inner turmoil? The memory of their heated argument replayed in his mind like a broken record, each word a painful reminder of his own ignorance.

He cursed himself for not delving deeper into Wooyoung's cryptic warnings, for dismissing his friend's erratic behavior as mere mood swings. If only he had asked more questions, if only he had been more attentive, perhaps he could have prevented the inevitable breakdown that had torn them apart.

But now, as he sat alone in the quiet solitude of the bakery, the weight of his regret bore down upon him like a leaden cloak. His chest felt tight with the burden of unanswered questions, his mind consumed by the endless possibilities of what could have been.

With each passing moment, the realization sank deeper into his bones: he had failed Wooyoung when he needed him most. And now, as he grappled with the repercussions of his inaction, the gnawing ache of remorse threatened to consume him whole.

But amidst the turmoil of his emotions, a glimmer of determination flickered within him. He may not be able to change the past, but he could damn well make amends for it.

For Hongjoong knew that if he was to ever find peace within himself, he would first need to confront the demons of his past and make things right with the friend he had wronged. And as he took the first tentative steps towards redemption, he vowed to never again let remorse hold sway over his actions.

But even as he made this silent vow, the feeling of regret gnawed at him relentlessly, eating away at his resolve like a cancer. It was a slow, insidious poison that seeped into every corner of his being, leaving him feeling hollow and empty inside.

He hadn't returned to hell since their fight two days ago, instead passing the time with rich men and indulging in hedonistic pleasures to distract himself from the turmoil within. But now, back in Seonghwa's bakery, waiting for his baking lesson to begin, there was no escaping the weight of his guilt.

As he stared blankly at the untouched cake before him, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was running from something, that he was avoiding the inevitable confrontation with his own conscience. And with each passing moment, the doubt and uncertainty threatened to consume him whole, leaving him adrift in a sea of regret and self-loathing.

Amidst the tumult swirling within him, Hongjoong found himself drawn to the idea of baking. Perhaps, he thought, the simple act of kneading dough and shaping pastries would offer a brief respite from the relentless onslaught of his thoughts.

But even as he entertained the notion, his mind drifted back to Wooyoung, his friend lost in the throes of darkness. What was he doing at this very moment? Was he waiting for Hongjoong to return, or had he resigned himself to the shadows, lost in the labyrinth of his own mind?

The thought gnawed at Hongjoong's insides, filling him with a sense of unease and apprehension. He ran a hand through his long black hair, biting down on his lip in

frustration. His eyes threatened to grow moist with unshed tears, his chest tightening with the weight of his anxiety.

As he sat lost in his own thoughts, Seonghwa passed him a gentle smile from across the bakery, attending to customers with effortless grace. Oblivious to Hongjoong's inner turmoil, he beckoned for him to wait patiently as he finished his tasks.

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