Chapter 2: Rumours

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{Magnolia: Fairy Tail - 7yrs later, 10:11am *Third POV*}

It has been 7years since natsu was forced to join fairy tail, 7yrs with hatred beaming at his direction from the guildmates everyday.

Today he was sitting in the corner of the 2nd floor sleeping.

He was wearing his usual black cloak with blue linings and under it he wore a dark red sleeveless turtle neck, a black modern obi on his waist, and white baggy pants that stopped below his knees(his original pants).

He had bandages on his left hand and he was wearing black flip-flops.

As natsu slept there in silence, a blue cat with wings landed infront of him on his table.

The cat wore a green bag on his back and looked up at natsu happily.

"Natsu...." The cat called out once his voice barely a whisper.

Natsu opened one of his eyes and looked down on the feline.

"What is it, Happy?" Natsu replied with a hint of tiredness in his voice.

Happy was an exceed natsu found in the forest 1 year after he joined the guild, Happy was just an egg back then so natsu used his flames to keep him warm.

A girl, Lisanna was it? she was the sister of the white haired demon girl known as Mirajane. She offered to help natsu but natsu glared at her along with a threat.

Happy smiled at him sheepishly, "There's a rumour I heard...we're still looking for Salamander, right?" Happy asked.

Salamander, A name that people has been cheering since a year ago. They say he's a fire dragon slayer that has saved countless of towns in fiore. At first mages from lower guilds tried to recruit him, but as victories went on even the council is on the look out to make salamander a wizard saint.

Of course Natsu, being curious on who this human saving lizard was, grew interested in salamander.

He thought that maybe once they meet, he can tell natsu where acnologia is.

No one knows what salamanders face looked like, heck even a strand of their hair wasn't found...but one thing is for sure, and that they always wear a rather scaly scarf around their neck.

Natsu groaned before standing up from the table, Happy flew up beside him.

"Alright, lets go see a lizard." Natsu said still frowning.

As they made their way downstairs natsu could feel hesitant and frightened eyes stare at him. Being annoyed by their stares Natsu let out one growl and all their heads turned away quickly.

As Natsu and happy exited the guild, natsu could hear whispers as they closed the doors behind him.

He looked back as the doors made a small peep hole between them, And then natsu glared at all of them.



{Fiore: Hargeon - 11:05am *third Pov*}

As Natsu walked through the streets with a happy, he pulled his hood over his head before walking again.

After a while of asking they gave up hope and made their way towards the train station, and Thats when they heard ear-piercing screams, Natsu covered his ears and glared at the direction of the sound.

On his right was a group of women fawning and screaming in joy.

"KYAA!! It's really you!!" A woman yelled annoyingly.

"Salamander-sama~" One moaned.

"Please marry me!!" Another screamed.

Natsu looked at them all in disgust before sighing, 'this is getting annoying.' he thought to myself.

Happy landed beside him and they made their way towards Salamander. Natsu pushed through the women and before he knew it they started to crowd even more.

Natsu felt a tick mark appear on his head and he let out a loud growl. All the girls made a path and him and happy started walking again.

As they walked the women all stared at him with shock and fear.

"I-its chaos!" One yelled.

Soon some of the women left the area while the others stood there in fear, 2 of them were clinging to a blue haired guy who was staring at natsu in shock.

"Are you...Salamander?" Happy spoke.

Suddenly the two girls let go of him and ran away, The man coughed and smiled weakly.

"Yes! My name is Bora, I am the famous Salamander!" He announced as fire started circling him.

"Kyaa!" They heard the remaining girls scream.

Natsu took a small whiff of him and it was disgusting.

He then analyzed him a little longer and saw two rings on his finger. Natsu glared at him coldly.

"You. You aren't salamander, are you?" Natsu said coldly.

"W-what are you talking about? ofcourse I am!" The bora said.

Suddenly natsu's hand caught a blaze and he glared at bora. As both men were caught up in the converzasion, they didn't notice a certain blonde on the bridge staring at them closely.

"Then take of those rings and ask the women." Natsu demanded.

Bora looked shocked and took a step back, "T-this is a family heirloom! I can't ju-" Bora explained sweat dropping from his face, but before he could continued natsu had punched him the face.

Bora went flying into the nearest building and screamed in pain.

The girls screamed and ran away leaving happy, natsu, and bora by theirselves.

"You know...I've been itching to kill someone for a while, but I guess you'll do." Natsu said and he suddenly lit himself up in blue and black fire.

"Natsu!! stop!!" Happy yelled as he flew to natsu in full speed.

But it was to late, Natsu had jumped and raised his fist to punch bora, but this time it was deadlier than before.

Bora cried as he saw natsu launching towards him. And as the two were about to collide a hand stopped natsus fist midway towards bora.

The impact was hard so they were pushed back a bit but stayed position.

The three boys stared in shock about the interferance and when the smoke cleared, a blonde haired woman came into view.

To  be  continued...

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