these are the last words

I am ever wasting on

you ever again


natural order

causes grief, sadness, and pain

its shadow eats hearts


shattering the silence

her cries echo in the darkness

never safe and sound


reflect the sorrow

mirror all your pain and hate

bleed it through the glass


the spirits are here

walking amongst us, watching

will you speak to them?


hunched over the white

morphing words into a child

to destroy the world


hate spreads like a disease

feel the cold tendrils crawl through me

gripping the pieces of my blackened heart

waiting for the moment to rip me apart


I stand alone in a crowded room

never watched but always looked through

I am a mirror missing its glass

I am a future with no known past


all the little pieces of me

every crack and ripped seam

broken down and bleeding

can be healed by you

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