The paraloid love

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Jungkook silently stood, watching the waves reach the shore and go back into the depths of the sea. The weather is fine, with bright, shiny sun rays and a slow, cool breeze. He smiled when a pair of soft hands closed his eyes from behind.

He smiled when he heard a small laugh, which the other held back quickly. Jin was behaving like a little kid. He doesn’t know if it is because of his pregnancy hormones. But he admires this silly side of Jin.

“Did you miss me?”

Jungkook’s smile dropped as he heard a voice that was not Jin’s. He quickly removed the hands from his eyes and turned around to see a person whom he hadn’t even seen before standing in front of him, all smiling. Jimin’s smile slowly faded from his lips when he saw the puzzled look on Jungkook's face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jimin asked and tried to smile, but

“Who are you?”

Jungkook’s question broke Jimin’s heart into millions of pieces. It gave him a sudden, crushing pain in his heart. His eyes began to flood with tears.

The once-bright, white sky abruptly became black, veiled in rain clouds; the wind picked up more speed; the waves rushed toward the coast, casting a forbidding shadow.

Jungkook felt worried when he saw the other crying. He doesn’t know why Jimin is crying, but somehow he feels like he is responsible for the other person’s situation, and he doesn't know how. Jungkook stepped back, getting a little startled, when Jimin suddenly pulled him by grasping his collar harshly.

“How can you do this to me? I trusted you! More than anyone in this world. How can you think of breaking my heart? I loved you!” Jimin screamed against Jungkook’s face in agony.

All Jungkook did was stand there speechless; he didn’t know what to do, how to react, or anything.

“Don’t show up in my life ever; I don’t want to see your face again. Get lost!!”

Jimin pushed Jungkook harshly. Jungkook stumbled back, but stood up and lowered his head. His heart began to beat fast. He felt an unbearable pain inside him after hearing Jimin's words. His mind was saying that he is the one who is responsible for the other’s situation. His eyes began to fill with tears.

When he slowly lifted his head, there wasn't anyone in front of him. He quickly looked around, but there was no one except him on that abundant shore. His heart began to ache more, and tears flowed from his eyes.

He doesn’t know why he is feeling like this. Who was that man? Why did he make him feel like he had done something wrong? Why is his heart aching seeing that man cry? Why is he feeling like this? His mind swirled with so many questions. He pulled his hair as he thought he was going crazy. The thirst to know about himself is increasing in his mind. But he can't remember a single thing about himself. He let out a loud scream in anger. 


Jin called worriedly after waking up from his sleep, hearing his boyfriend’s scream.

Jungkook sat silently for a minute and looked around, only to realize he had a dream.


Jungkook turned in Jin’s direction as he heard the soft call.

“Just a dream, nothing to worry about," Jungkook said, rubbing his head.

“You sure? Does your head hurt again? We can go to the hospital tomorrow.”

“It was just a little pain. I told you we didn’t need to go to the hospital. Lay back and sleep. Iam fine.” Jungkook assured.

“You can lay next to me if you want.” Jin suggested.

“It's fine, Jin. Iam okay. Good night.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything more and quickly pulls his bedsheet over and closes his eyes.

Jin doesn’t like the fact that Jungkook denied going to see a doctor. When he saw Jungkook lying unconsciously in the backyard yesterday, he felt like his whole world had collapsed. He screamed and cried, calling his boyfriend’s name again and again. And only after Jungkook woke up and consoled him that it was just a headache did he feel like he had come back to life. Even though his boyfriend assured him that he was alright, he couldn't stop worrying about him.

He laid back slowly after hearing his boyfriend’s soft snores. He didn't take his eyes off his boyfriend until he was overtaken by sleep.


Jungkook blinked his eyes as they roamed around the dishes on the dining table, which Jin had just set up. With a smile, Jin took a seat near his boyfriend.

“Are we going to eat all of this?” Jungkook asked his doubt.

“Yes. Eat without skipping anything. I woke up earlier than usual to prepare all these. You are becoming skinnier day by day. You should focus on your health. I think you are not eating everything I have been packing for you to work.” Jin said, and then began to serve the food on Jungkook’s plate.

“What are you saying? I have always finished everything in the lunch box. You are overthinking. I didn’t lose any weight. Besides, you should place more focus on your health than me. You are the one who should eat more now. You should take care of yourself and our baby first rather than worrying about anything else.” Stopping Jin from serving the food on his plate, Jungkook began to serve the food on Jin’s plate.

“Why should we worry about ourselves when we have you? We knew you would take care of us and be with us always."

The statement made Jungkook suddenly stop serving the food. A painful lump formed in his throat.
He can't always be with them. He is not the person they want. He can never become their JK. He doesn’t know how he is going to reveal the truth to Jin.

“What happened?” Jin asked as he saw his boyfriend zoning out.

“N-nothing, let's eat.” Jungkook said quickly, holding back his emotions.

“My checkup is next week. I am entering my eighth month. I can't believe how fast our little bean was growing inside me.” Jin said, adoring his little bump.

“Next week? Which day?” Jungkook asked, stop eating.

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