Chapter 1

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I've been playing the violin my whole life .It's always seemed like a safe place for me. Whenever I had trouble, I would just play my violin. I would get lost in the music as each note plays . It's my happy place.

But today, for some reason, it's not calming my nerves.  I've been playing my violin for two hours straight. I am desperately trying to calm my nerves. Lately, life has been hectic. My older sister left for college last month. And now I'm not doing well in classes. I wish this day could be over already.

I'm currently in the music room. I'm my house trying to get away from everyone. I really don't want to go anywhere. I just want to be bubble away from everyone.

I'm playing my violin when I hear a knock on the music room door. It must be Clarissa, my best friend since eighth grade . I asked her to come over since I had important news to tell her.

"Come in," I shout through the noise of my violin.

"Ok. I got ice cream for breakups, sweets for sibling fights, chocolates for cramps, and hugs and kisses for everything and anything, "she says . It's official. I'm in love with her.

"I guess I can only get hugs, kisses, and sweets," I say to her. I stopped playing my violin when she entered " I had a fight with Rachel about her getting pregnant ,my parents are also getting a  divorce and I'm failing all my classes " I let out in one breath.

"OH sky, you need a hug right now she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek as I cry into her shoulder about everything that happened this week. I really can't believe that mom and dad is getting a divorce after twenty years of marriage. I really can't believe that Rachel got herself pregnant after being a good kid for seventeen years. And I can't believe that I'm failing almost every class and it's just the first semester.

*      *      *
I don't know how long I've been crying on Clarissa's shoulder while eating vanilla ice cream because it's already dark outside. Clarissa asked to stay the night and I said yes because I could really use the support right now especially since my own sister decided to ditch my phone calls and said in text she's pregnant. So while Clarissa is comforting me I'm going to let my emotions out.

"While we're getting all emotional I also need to tell you something important. " Clarissa says. Curiosity gleams in my eyes as I lean closer to hear better. "I'm moving to New Zealand. I got a scholarship there. That's why you saw boxes. I didn't know how to break it to you last week ." She said really fast.My heart is beating hard and fast against my chest as tears make there way into my eyes . I truly feel miserable hearing that she's moving away. I just stare at her with lots of emotions in my eyes . I really can't believe it. I feel like I might pass out as my tummy twists. My best friend is moving far away from me. Our friendship lasted five years.

"What" That's all I can say .
All I can say is what.

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