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Neha Shukla


"Beep Beep Beep"

" Ahhh new day this quick?" 

I hated Mondays as much as I hate pineapple on a pizza, I was already late for accounts class, and I had a presentation to complete so I pulled an all-nighter, I slept at 3 and it was already 7:30, I took a quick shower did some skincare and no-makeup makeup, I wore a black top and white jeans with white sneakers put my hair in a ponytail and headed out to my driver.

" Kishan Ji please drop me at college, hurry up," I said. At the same time, I sat in the car and drank milk which Kishan Ji kept in the vehicle before and since I always miss my breakfast, he has been working for us since I was a little girl, not to mention even if I did go to the college late it wouldn't even matter cause we literally own the college, my dad is a big businessman, Vijay Shukla, my dad is my dearest and not to mention he very much pampers me, my parents are on a trip to France and will return shortly.

We arrive at college in no time, "Kishan Ji bye bye" I say before heading to the college, I hate the college because people only be nice to me because of my dad,  I haven't got any real friends, they only one person who pops up on my brain Aryan, well.... he's a complicated one, he underestimates me every single time, he thinks I'm dumb and only here because I'm privileged, I can't say that I'm not but, I work hard not to brag but I do have determination to become like my dad someday, I entered the class.

"Here comes the petty princess," says the duchebag Godamning Aryan Sharma, can't he die already?, "Stop getting on my nerves" I yell at him, "Awww she's angry now, are you complaining this to your dad child?" he mocks while laughing, can't deny he is a charming guy, silky hair, light brown eyes, sweet smile and dimples, he had dimples, but his outer appearance is only a hoax, he's a demon from within ad that is exactly why I despise him so much, "Jeez act like a grown-up for once bastard," I say with a straight face, that's when the professor gets in the class.

"Morning class, I hope everyone remembers your presentations about how the artificial intelligence can benefit the new generations?", we all nod, "I'll take that as an yes and please be free to show us your work" he says "First we have Nitya Nanda, please the dais is yours" he says, 

Nitya Nanda one of our top students, great extra curriculars and well spoken person in the class, i truly admire her, apparently Aryan has a huge crush on her but sad for him, she's too out of league for him, her dad is a rea estate company's owner, and of Couse we know each other since childhood, she hates Aryan too, we're friends but no close friends, i hype her up and she does the same.

She starts her presentation with grace, and for a moment I wish I could be as confident as her. I drift off in my thoughts and snap back to reality when I hear the applause. "Very well done, Ms. Nitya. Next, we have Rahul Mishra. Please, feel free," the professor says. Here comes Rahul Mishra, the golden retriever of the class. He may not come from an elite family, but he sure knows how to present himself. He's one of the most down-to-earth people I've ever met, a real sweetheart. As he starts his presentation, I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn to my right, only to meet the gaze of an unpleasant person. He mouths to me, "Wait and watch." I scoff in response.

"Now we have Aryan Sharma." Speak of the devil, he side-eyes me before starting. I mean, he isn't an elite family member either, but he acts like one. I'll be honest, if not for me, he would have been killed long ago, he's done with his work "Neha please start your presentation" the prof says obviously i did a great job but yet i don't get any claps, it's not a big deal right? but it degrades my confidence, everyone notices my disappointment and clap for few seconds, again i could only notice, Nitya, Rahul and few others.

People dislike me because he literally hate me, i wish i could be like others, i don't know what i ever did or say anything wrong to anyone but others just dislike me for no reason at all.


"Good Morning Ms. Shukla", my personal assistant greeted, its been 5 years since my graduation, i'm working as a chief in my Dad's company, Shukla industries, we have an urgent meeting, we have received a huge investor for our slum project i'm leading it so i'm really nervous about this, i hope this goes well, cause it's not just about our company, it's about poor people who are not in a good position in India, i wanna help them

I enter the conference room, i see my dad sitting an the chair, i sit beside him, waiting for the investor, i hear the door crack and look at the person who i never wanted to see once again in my life, Aryan, Fucking Aryan , i'm speechless, but i have to act professional, he smirks

So this is how the lie turned out?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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