Hello legs

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Cove swam for miles upon miles, stopping for no more than two hours at a time before she left once more. When she made it to Mako Island she did not expect anything fancy she was supposed to meet Veridia just after nightfall on the south side of the island an hour had gone by before she went to leave.
"Hey." She heard someone call from behind her.
She spun around and frowned.
"Who are you?" She asked the other mermaid.
"My names Mimmi, Veridia sent me." The girl who was obviously not from the southern pod said, if her accent or lack there off gave anything away.
"Why couldn't Veridia meet me herself?" Cove asked suspiciously.
"We've run into a problem. The water dragon that was just in the eastern pod, is here now." Mimmi explained and Cove's eyes widened.
"No wait! Veridia told you to stay here. At mako with us, she said you belong here." Mimmi said and Cove stopped from turning around.
"I belong with my pod." Cove said sternly.
"Coverlee." Veridia said swimming behind the girl.
"Veridia." She said knowingly.
"You must stay here at Mako, it's what's safest for you." Veridia replied.
"My pod needs me." Cove said tearing up.
"I spoke to Marina, she said not to come back." Veridia said and Cove let out a sob.
"Am I banished?" She asked sadly.
"You are.." Veridia said but Mimmi sensed a hint of a lie in her voice.
"But I haven't done anything! All I did was what they told me to!" Cove yelled sadly.
"You're still banished, for now you'll stay with a friend of mine. Rita, in the grotto, Rita has some information to share with you. About your mother." Veridia said and Cove looked back to Mimmi. She nodded with a soft smile.
"What's a grotto?" She asked frowning.
"I'll show you." Mimmi said with a chuckle and held out her hand.
Cove looked back and forth between the two mermaids. Then slowly took Mimmi's hand.
The two swam off and Veridia sighed relieved. Lying to one daughter of Nerissa was hard enough. Lying to both in the same place was pure torture.
Especially when they both have powers they don't know of yet.
Mimmi and Cove swam slowly to Rita's
"Uh Mimmi..." Cove said as they approached the mainland.
"Yeah?" She asked glancing back.
"Oh Rita lives on land, don't worry she's still a mermaid same as us." Mimmi could sense her discomfort, how she didn't know.
"On land?!" Cove asked her eyes bulging from her head.
"Yeah-" Mimmi said smiling then noticed her wide eyes and the fact she'd stopped right in front of the entrance to the grotto.
"You're gonna have to get something before you meet Rita, it's alright I'll be there every step of the way, literally." Mimmi said smiling at her own joke.
"Legs? No way out of the question it's forbidden." Cove said shaking her head.
"Cove, you're already banished, what's the harm?" Mimmi asked hoping to convince her.
"We were banished too once, me, Ondina and Serena, before that Lyla and Nixie too. All our banishments got lifted and we all walked on land." Mimmi said and Cove sighed and nodded they ducked under the water and into the grotto a few seconds later.
"Ondina! Wei lan!" Mimmi called as she pushed herself out of the pool.
She dried herself with her hand before turning to Cove.
"They must be at the cafe." Mimmi said and Cove nodded though unsure.
She followed Mimmi's actions and pulled herself out of the pool and onto land. Mimmi held her moon ring and pointed it at Cove.
Who appeared with legs just seconds later. Abet not clothed but with legs none the less.
"I'll get you something to wear." Mimmi said and rushed off. She returned a few seconds later with a blue dress and shoes.
"This should fit you, we'll go shopping once you master walking." Mimmi assured her and helped her stand and dress.
"I don't think my head goes here." Cove said as her head went through the armhole.
"It doesn't, the biggest hole is where your head goes, the two smaller ones are for your arms, same with your legs. Your feet go in these holes and your waist in this one." Mimmi said showing her how to put on shorts.
"But we'll stick to dresses for now." Mimmi assured her and Cove nodded again.
"Alright so you can stand on your own but walking is a little bit different." Mimmi explained and she nodded cautiously. She took a step forward and stumbled instantly.
"It's okay, it's your first time." Mimmi assured her. Cove nodded and tried again, catching her foot underneath her she smiled. Mimmi held her hands and helped her walk up the steps.
"Rita! Evie!" Mimmi said excitedly, seeing both in the grotto.
"Mimmi, uh who's this?" Rita asked frowning. Confused at the new mermaid.
"This is Cove, Veridia said she talked to you about staying with us." Mimmi said and Rita nodded remembering the conversation about a Hawaiian western mermaid coming to stay.
"So Cove where are you from?" Evie asked smiling.
"Hawaii, the states." Cove said smiling.
"That's awesome I've always wanted to go there, did you swim?" Evie asked excitedly.
"Course what else would I do?" Cove asked confused.
"Uh walk." Mimmi reminded her.
"Oh right." Cove said chuckling at herself.
"So Rita, right?" Cove turned to her then saw what was in her arms.
"A cat?!" She yelled and turned hiding behind Mimmi.
"It's alright, Poseidon won't hurt you." Mimmi said and Cove peaked out from behind her.
"Promise?" She asked Mimmi who nodded. Mimmi felt her relax a bit and was still confused as to what their apparent connection was.
"So what're you doing here?" Evie asked smiling.
"The dragon, it wiped out the eastern pod, my pod sent me here, but I was apparently banished. Uh Veridia said you'd be able to tell me about my mother... Nerissa." Cove said and all three of their jaws went slack.
"What?" She asked frowning.
"I think this is a conversation we'd better have with Zach, Mimmi, Evie can you go get him?" She asked.
"He's studying, for his biology test next week."Evie reminded her.
"This is a little more important than a biology test I'll write him a note if I have to." Rita said and Evie and Mimmi looked between each other and left.
"And Ondina as well!" Rita called and lead Cove to the couch.
A few minutes later Mimmi and Evie returned through the pool followed by Zach and Ondina as well as Wei lan. Then three land people followed from the hidden entrance, startling Cove.
"Mimmi? Who are all these people?" She asked nervously.
"It's okay Cove just like Poseidon they aren't going to hurt you. They're our friends." Mimmi assured her and Ondina scoffed.
"You're comparing us to that devil thing?" She asked referring to the cat in Rita's arms.
"Rita what's so important I was in the middle of studying we've got a big test next week." Zach asked.
"Well as you and Mimmi know, you and two are siblings, twins. It was one of your mother's best kept secrets." She began looking at the two who nodded.
"There was one that was better kept. Now a days only the mermaid council know about it a third sibling. Mimmi, Zach, Cove, you three a triplets." Rita dropped the bomb and Zach and Mimmi looked as shocked as the others but Cove felt something more than shock. Confusion, anger, fear and pain.
"That's not possible." She shook her head backing away from Mimmi.
"It is." Rita nodded trying to sound as comforting as possible.
"No it's not! My mother abandoned me when I was a baby, with the western pod. She would've at least kept me close to them if I had siblings." Cove snapped.
"Cove-" Zach began to walk towards her.
"Stay away from me." Cove threatened pointing at him.
"I wanna go home!" She yelled angrily.
Cam who was closest to the entrance to the pool stepped in front of her, picking her up and turning her back around.
She began to cry.
"This is your home now Cove." Rita said but it only made her cry harder.
Cam who was still holding her tensed slightly when she let herself sob into his chest.
"Maybe we should give her some space?" Evie offered and Rita nodded.
"I think that'd be best." She agreed and they all but came went to leave.
"Zach, Mimmi, you two should stay. You as well Cam." She said and they did as told, Ondina, Wei lan, Carly, Evie and David left.
"Uh what do I do with her?" Cam asked in a whisper.
"Bring her to the couch." Rita pointed and he nodded attempting to let her walk there but after she refused by planting her feet on the ground he was forced to pick her up.
He sat her down next to Mimmi and sat on the other side of her.
"Cove?" Mimmi called after a few minutes of just her sniffles.
Cove looked up at them.
"I reacted the same way you did when I found out." Zach admitted taking over for his sister.
"I denied it and kept denying it." Zach continued.
"It's not possible." She shook her head looking down.
"It is cove. We didn't believe it at first either." Mimmi explained
"I'm from the northern pod, originally. Then I was sent to live here with the southern pod. They knew it was important for me to stay close to our brother and it's saved us both many times." She went on and Cove looked up again.
"Then why was I sent to the western pod for so long? Why didn't Marina and the council tell me? Why didn't they tell me who I was?" She asked beginning to get distraught again. Only this time instead of clinging to Cam she hugged Mimmi.
"I don't know." Rita admitted honestly.
"Why don't Cam and I leave you three to talk?" Rita suggested and Cam nodded.
Zach mouthed a thank you to them both as they left.
"So, uh do you have any questions? About us?" Zach asked awkwardly sitting behind Mimmi.
"How did you being close to each other save you?" She asked looking up and releasing Mimmi.
"There's this place, on Mako." Mimmi began and Zach's eyes widened.
"We called it the merman chamber. It was built by our ancestors but not used during the mermaid and merman war, there was another merman, he tried to activate it, he stole Zach's power with a stone, like our moon rings, but Zach was the only one who could stop the chamber from destroying all Mermaids.
It almost killed him. Intuition as well as the fact we can sometimes have visions of the other saved him." Mimmi explained.
"And us." She added after the fact.
"You two have visions of one another?" Cove asked and they nodded.
"I've had visions of you two." Cove admitted.
"I don't remember exactly what they all were, but I saw this merman chamber you speak of, and something with crayfish and sunglasses, a moon ring, etc." she said and Zach couldn't help but chuckle.
"Mimmi lost her moon ring in a box full of crayfish." He giggled which caused Cove to smile.
"Hey that's not funny!" Mimmi said smiling and hitting their brother.
"Seems pretty funny to me." Cove added and she and Zach giggled harder.
"It's not!" Mimmi protested and hit Cove with a pillow.
All three of them began to laugh loudly, the 6 on the other side of the secret entrance smiled to themselves.
"They're getting along nicely." Rita smiled looking at the others.
"Lot better than when Zach found out." Cam agreed.
"What was that in there? When you caught her?" Carly asked frowning at him.
"What?" He asked confused.
"You caught her before she left, then held her when she cried." Carly reminded him.
"Oh that, well I wouldn't want my best mates sister to run out on him before she got the chance to meet him." He shrugged nonchalantly.
Carly pursed her lips together but didn't say anything more.
Minutes later they head three consecutive splashes and returned to the grotto worriedly.
There was a note on the table in Mimmi's handwriting.
"Gone for a swim be back soon." Ondina read and couldn't help but smile.

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