bullying problems

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~♡ Len POV♡~

Y/N has been acting weird lately.. Theres something she isn't telling me. I wonder what..

"LEN!!" Rin yelled out, which scared me. "You idiot I've been calling out for you 10 times already, what's on your mind??" She said annoyed.
"Eh.. It's.. Y/N" I say quietly. "Len you're always thinking about Y/N what's going on?" Miku chimed in. "Well..-"
"SENPAIIIIIIIIIIII"  Y/N screamed running towards me and jumping on me. "Senpai I missed youuu!!! Math was so boringgg!! I wish you were there to help mee!!" She said while shaking me.

Stop shaking me.. I might die.. how can someone so cute and calm be so energetic?? I thought to myself.

"I- wa- Y/N I have a question.." I say which made Y/N stop.

✿~Y/N POV~✿

I stop shaking him, tilting my head. "Yeah? What is it?"
"Who are those little shits bullying you." He said quietly yet coldly which kinda scared me. "Eh?"
"Who are they? And why the hell are they bullying you?"

"Wowwww so that's what this is about?" Rin whispered to Miku. "Len isn't like this with us, how unfair. Favoritismmm..." Miku whispered back.

"No no no it's okay Senpai don't-" But before I could finish he shut me up by putting his hand on my mouth. "Bullshit. I saw your bruises. You're hiding something from me. What is it?!" He said raising his voice. "Mmmphhh!!!"
"...Right. I'm still blocking your mouth." He let go of my mouth. "So? Who is it? I'll fuck him or her up."
I sigh before saying "Fine.. It's some random kids who decided to pick on me, their names are Alex and Aiden" He looked me up and down. "What kinda basic white boy names are those? Whatever get off me I'll handle this."

✰~Len POV~✰

Alex and Aiden huh? Well they don't know what's coming for them. Mess with Y/N and you die. I'll kill them. Those little shits. I'll murder them.

My banana senpai [Kagamine Len x Yandere fem! reader]Where stories live. Discover now