Chapter Four 💫

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They grab their cup of coffee. "The coffee here isn't too bad." Your mom looks towards the food. "I hope the food also meets our expectations." Jin nods. "The food for attendees will be served in the Dining Hall shortly." You are kind of shocked by his words. "But graduates eat separately." (I remember this from my past. Although my memory tells me the food was really bad-) "Ooh, fun! We'd better head over there." Your dad pats you on the head and smiles. "Congratulations again! We'll catch up with you later." Your parents leave, and you turn to Jin. "Do you want to grab a bite too?" "Sure."

You and Jin smile at each other and head to the selection of food presented for the Law School's recent graduates. But as you check out your options, you are not impressed. "That's what they're serving? I hope my parents have better food." "Our university usually goes all out for guests, but not so much for us." Jin's phone rings, and he checks it. "It's Namjoon. He is going to a restaurant with his family and asks us not to wait for him." "Alright. What should we do then?" "I, for one, would like to spend more time with you." You feel a shiver down your spine at his suggestion but collect yourself. "With me? Do you mean that you haven't gotten enough of me?" Jin chuckles nervously. "How can I ever get enough of you, Y/n? You're my favorite person."

Jin smiles at you genuinely, and you feel a pleasant shiver down your spine. "You're my favorite person too, Jin." "This means so much to me, Y/n." You brush your hand against Jin's. "It is the truth." "I have an idea. How about we go eat somewhere? Just the two of us. I'll treat you to this amazing new restaurant I found yesterday!" "Haven't we checked out every eatery around campus during our time here?" "This place is new. I'm telling you, it's worth it." "If you say so-" "We won't have another chance to check it out since we won't be in the area any longer. Do you want to come with me? I'll gladly show you the place, and we can spend more time together." Jin smiles shyly, and you grin.

(This is a perfect opportunity to get Jin alone and impress him! I have to take every chance I get to win him over.) You smile at your favorite person. "Sounds great! Let's head out." "My pleasure." You and Jin walk a couple of blocks from the university and enter a small family-style Korean restaurant. "I love Korean food! I'm surprised I haven't seen this place before." "They just opened. It's our luck to have it open during our last days at the Law School. But I heard the food here is to die for!" "Let's check it out."

The server brings you to a table, and you and Jin look through the menus. "We should get different things so that we can try more at once." "Sounds great to me. What would you like?" "Hmm... So many great options. I will have Jjajangmyeon. I'm craving noodles and meat." "This sounds delicious. Should I get their plate of the day, then?" "You have to." You place your order, which the server brings quite soon since there are only a few guests at the restaurant. You dig into your dishes, and Jin smiles at you. "You know, I missed hanging out with you, Y/n. Just the two of us." "So did I." "What happened to us?" "We got busy with school, friends, boyfriends and girlfriends-" "Yes. Unfortunately." Jin takes your hand in his so quickly that you panicked.

"W-what are you doing?" "I want to tell you that our friendship means so much to me, Y/n. I never want to lose you." "I don't want to lose you either, Jin. But you shouldn't talk about things like that. You'll always have me." "And you'll always have me. We're good, then?" You nodded. "We're great." Jin pulls his hand away, suddenly flustered. "Sorry, I didn't mean to grab your hand like that." "Oh, it's fine. And please, no more awkward talks! Let's hang out like in the old times and have fun." "This sounds perfect to me." You and Jin spend more time in the restaurant, chatting and laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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