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EDIT: title has been changed so ignore my yapping about it


welcome to a new fic: A Little Bit of This, a Little Bit of That

long story short i had no idea for a name so i went with something that kinda captures the whole story. AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE TITLE, this fic will have a bit of everything....hopefully :')

there will be FLUFF, there will be ANGST, there will be DRAMA!!! and there will be many ships :3

now, im gonna do my best by introducing all the characters and some hc


Principal Mclean- the principal (idk im not giving staff hc)

Chef- the lunch lady

STUDENTS (gen1 characters are their own grade. i dont think i'll introduce other grades. i might. OH wait this is gen1 + sierra and alejandro):

Izzy: crazay! she's pansexual, and is close friends with eva, noah, owen, and ezekiel

Trent: cool band dude. lead of the drama brothers! he's straight (ALLY !!) and has a lil crush on gwen. closest friends are gwen, justin, harold, cody, dj, duncan, and heather

Cody: candy loving kid idk. he's bisexual and trans! cant choose between gwen and noah :'( close friends with noah, heather, justin, harold, trent, gwen, and tyler (somewhat lindsay since her and tyler are kinda a package deal)

Heather: QUEEN BEE!! she kinda runs the school lol. gossip spreader, misinformation spreader, lie teller, allat. she's straight (ALLY !!) and is dating alejandro!! close friends with alejandro (obvi), cody, justin, bridgette + geoff, dj, and duncan

Justin: one of the drama brothers. drama queen. hes probably gay idk it would make sense. closest friends are the drama brothers, heather, lindsay (and tyler), duncan, courtney, and sierra

Owen: food lover. he's definitely gay i mean have you SEEN how he talks about justin???? anyways he's bisexual but doesnt like anyone. close friends are izzy, eva, noah, and ezekiel.

Noah: book worm, nerd, all of the above. snarky, too! he's questioning idk. close friends are izzy, eva, owen, sorta exekiel, courtney, cody, and gwen

Gwen: gwen is uhhhhhhhhh probably pansexual! shes a hot goth girl. close friends are trent, noah, cody, bridgette (and geoff), leshawna, courtney, and lindsay (+ tyler)

Leshawna: W. shes a W. shes straight (ALLY !!) and her closest friends are harold, gwen, bridgette (and geoff), and dj

A/N: guys i apologize im getting eepy so this may get less and less formal (as if it was formal in the first place)

Lindsay: dumb blonde <3 shes straight (ALLY !!) and dating tyler. her closest friends are tyler (obvi), beth, sierra, justin, bridgette, geoff, dj, katie + sadie, and gwen

Beth: the one that always gets picked on. shes straight (ALLY !!). close friends are lindsay, katie + sadie, sierra, and ezekiel

Tyler: "jock." he is straight (ALLY !!) and dating lindsay. close friends are lindsay (obvi), cody, dj, duncan, alejandro, and geoff (and bridgette)

Harold: geek. hes uhhh hes uhh i think hes uhhhh demisexual yeah. close friends are leshawna, the drama brothers, beth, and somewhat noah (they geek out sometimes and share common interests)

Bridgette: cool surfer girl. shes in various school clubs all about saving the earth. she's straight (ALLY !!) and dating geoff. close friends are geoff (obvi), heather, gwen, leshawna, dj, and lindsay

Geoff: cool party dude. hes straight (ALLY !!) and dating bridgette. close fiends are bridgette (obvi), heather, gwen sorta, lindsay, tyler, duncan, and dj

dj: sweet, innocent boy who, like bridgette, is in many school clubs to help save the earth. he's pansexual. close friends is basically the whole school, but the closest friends are trent, heather, leshawna, lindsay, tyler, bridgette, geoff, and duncan

duncan: bully >:( bros a heterosexual (maybe) (probably not an ally/j). close friends are dj, heather, justin, geoff (+ bridge), alejandro and trent

courtney: NERDDDDDD shes uh idk prob straight (ally !) close frineds are noah, justin, somewhat duncan.........and gwen

eva: strong woman. shes bisexual. close friends are izzy, noah, owen, and ezekiel

katie: thgin 1. demigirl and bi. close friends are sadie, lindsay, beth, and sierra

sadie: thing 2. lesbian. woman liker. best friend liker- CLOSE FRIEDS ARE katie, linsay, beth, and sierra

ezekiel: used to be homeschooled. practically a stranger to society. was a protected and supervised child. limited internet access. hes straight (ally? i dont think he knows what the lgbtq community is). close friends are izzy, eva, owen, sorta noah, and beth

alejandro: hot guy of the school. dating heather. straght male (ally !) close friends are heather (obvi), duncan, tyler, and basically any girl in a 10 mile radius

sierra: creep...maybe idk yet. shes err straight (100% an ally cuz of codykins). close friends are katie+saide, beth, lindsay, and cody, perchance (idk yet let me be indecisive)

ANYWAYSSSSSSSs thats all the main characters whoop whoop its almost 1:30 am!!!!!!!!!! im so eepy im gonna go snooze goodnight yall ima say this counts as a chapter lmao go ahead and eat it up i'll upload in the morning (hopefullyly :3)

SEEYA!!! -percy >:3

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