1 ~ Personality Test

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"Are you excited?" Mom's voice blasts through speakerphone as I unpack the only suitcase I brought to college.

"Duh! Who wouldn't be? I'm attending an international school in Paris, France! This is a dream come true!" I squeal, plopping down on my new desk chair.

"Do they have everything they said they'd have?"

I survey the room and peek in the bathroom, "Yep! Toiletries, storage, school supplies, everything's here."

"I still can't believe how cheap it was. It seemed like such a scam," Mom sighs.

"They chose me, mom. They liked my essay and gave me scholarship for it. It's crazy, but this is such a special place. I mean, my professors are SCIENTISTS!"

"I won't bother you much anymore, love you, Salem."

"Love you, momma."

I end the call and glance over to the other side of my dorm room. No bags yet, but I should have a roommate. I remember to keep my key in my pocket as I leave the room to go do my first assignment. All new freshmen are required to meet in the lobby of the Eon Building for initiation.

I don't have to walk far to get to Eon. The campus of Mundane University isn't big at all. A few buildings, one dormitory for 200 students, and plenty of field space for lab experiments I guess. All I really know is that this university is for people who like science but have no idea what to do with their lives. Which is the exact situation I'm in.

Inside, there's around 50 students and a few faculty. Some people are signing papers, others are getting their schedules, but most are standing in line for something. I walk up to one of the tables.


"Salem Charles," I respond to the monotone woman.

After looking through my file, she hands me a folder, "Lucky for you, registration has been filled out by your parents and so has most of the contract. All you need to do is sign in the indicated spaces on these two pages and you are officially enrolled."

"What is this?" I open the folder and see a lot of "permission", "consent", "responsibility" words.

"A final confirmation from you, the student, that you will attend here. Then you can line up to get your ID and personality test taken."

"Personality test?" I ask.

"Next!" The woman tells, looking behind me.

"Wait but-"

"I said next!" She yells louder.

I go sit down on one of the couches, entirely confused on what's required of me. Personality test? Why? What does that have to do with science?

I skim through the contract when my eyes land on the last part, reading, "...to submit one's self to the art of science. And to keep one's self a secret from non-MU people. We are a private University with intentions of changing the world for the better, and evolving ourselves. Do you agree?"

Oh, I guess this place has very valuable things to teach. It's weird how they worded it, however. I sign the bottom of the page and flip to the last one. It only reads one line, "Forever be a part of MU and keep this promise?"

Forever? Maybe like, when I graduate I don't reteach my knowledge to someone else? Sure, I can do that. I sign the last page and return it to the lady at the table.

"Welcome to Mundane University, Miss Charles. Go take your ID and test."

"Thanks," I respond. She seems nicer now for some reason.

I wait in line and see a guy exit a meeting room. He seems confused. I tap him on the shoulder as he passes, "Excuse me?"

"Oh! Hi! You startled me a bit," He speaks with a subtle Asian accent.

"Sorry, heheh. Um, what did they ask you in there?"

"It was so weird," His nerves calm down and he steps with me as the line gets shorter, "They asked me questions that have nothing to do with science. It was almost like they were trying to find out how sensitive I was."

"Sensitive? Yeah, that makes no sense," I watch as another student walks out confused. "I'm Salem, by the way."

"Kija. You from America?"

"Yeah, what about you?" I ask. I can tell he's Asian but I don't know enough to guess.

"South Korea."

"Nice. Well, I guess I'll see you around."

"We have less students here than an elementary school, of course I'll see you around," Kija grins and walks away.

He's cute. And also a freshman. I heard my roommate might not be a freshman so it's good if I have someone like me to turn to.

It's my turn when a woman waves me inside. I enter the small meeting room and sit down in a chair opposite four people.

"Name?" A deep-voiced, annoyed-looking man asks.

"Salem Charles."

Another guy writes down everything I say. A third guy is preparing to take my photo, "Smile." I smile at the camera as he takes a few photos. Unlike my high school yearbook photos, he doesn't ask me to adjust my movement or anything. The last lady who called me in starts asking me questions,

"Why did you choose this school?"

"Like I explained in my essay, I have an interest in science and because I'm not sure exactly what I want to do in the field, I was sure this school would be the perfect place to explore my talents."

The guy continues writing my answers. She says, "I'm going to ask you some personality questions now. I will give you options for multiple choice and I request you give a one sentence explanation for each answer. Sound good?"


"Alright. Pretend you're walking in the woods and you come across a deer lying perfectly still. But the deer isn't sleeping. You see it has an open gash on its body. What's your instinctual reaction? A: flinching, B: vocalizing a scream or curse, C: freezing with wide eyes. D: All of the above."

"D, although I can see myself doing all three, I can't be sure until I've been in that situation."

"Different scenario, you're walking in the woods and you feel someone watching you. But you're 100% sure there are no animals or people other than you. What do you assume? A: you're going crazy, B: maybe whatever is watching you is hiding very well, C: All of the above."

"Can I choose neither?"

The lady shares a glance with the annoyed guy and responds, "Yes. Explain."

"Maybe it's not physical but I'm also not crazy. I know for a person going into science, I should believe what I see, but what if it's something spiritual. Maybe a guardian Angel or something?"

The room goes silent other than the pen that writes my every word. She continues, "Same scenario but after walking for a while you notice it was just a bunny following you. How do you feel? A: Relieved, B: Still wary, C: All of the above."

"Again, neither. I don't know because I'm not in the situation. I don't know if I still feel wary or not."

"Yes, well, let's pretend you felt fine. The bunny joins you as you walk. Why are you walking? A: To exit the forest, B: To see if there are any other animals that are hurt like the deer, C: All of the above."

"I'm sorry but your questions make no sense. You said we were in a different scenario and you bring the deer back in. Also, what if I didn't feel fine? What if I was exiting because I still felt something watching me?"

"Why so upset?" The annoyed guy finally flashes a smile.

I realize I overstepped my boundaries and this test might be the reason they kick me out, "I'm sorry. We can continue with the test. I won't bother anymore."

"That is enough. Thank you," The man waves me off. The lady follows me out of the meeting room.

I just blew my chances.

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